The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Archive for September, 2012

Pay the Pilots Please

Pay the Pilots Please

American Airlines through federal bankruptcy judge restructured pay, union rules, and the lives of many. CEO Thomas Horton, a Southern Methodist University MBA graduate most likely flies private jets. Hopefully, those pilots will be happy.

Conflict in the Middle East

Like Rula Jebreal said in World News on NBC.comall political leaders in the West…we see and hear them talking on YouTube….even if you are Mitt Romney this will affect the people on the ground.”  

CASTING NOTICE: wanted- angry, violent-looking men. Must be able to hold burning flags for long periods of time, chant inaudible phrases, and appear sweaty and aggravated while pumping fist in the air. No sense of humor necessary. No meals provided. No pay, but you will gain global exposure on all news stations across the globe.

All the world’s a stage” –William Shakespeare 

Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo

“Nothing is more PITIFUL than a nation being swept along by FOOLS.”

-From Daisaku Ikeda’s The HUMAN Revolution.

(Daisaku Ikeda is the appointed president of Sokka Gakkai INTERNATIONAL (SGI) a Worldwide Buddhist NETWORK

One of the SGI members asked me if I would be interested in waitressing (ie. serve food in EXCHANGE for monetary value) for another SGI friend of hers. Then recently I got a call from another SGI member telling me that SGI members do not lend money (EXCHANGE of monetary value) to one another. I found this humorous, given that the SGI organization itself could have never built schools, centers, etc., without the lending of capital (EXCHANGE of monetary value and/or labor, time, energies) from other SGI members and/or other humans. (Did Daisaku Ikeda ever wait tables? Is he human?). But the aforementioned “logic” of pitiful fools is what gives certain organizations LAUGHABLE reputations, and gives their organization’s presidents the millions of dollars they acquire. Consider this quote from Nichiren Daishonin the Buddhist monk who championed “Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo”, the chant the SGI members adhere to. “Never seek the Gohonzon outside of yourself”. Once again, quite humorous, since certain SGI members promote purchasing (EXCHANGE of monetary value) this Gohonzon -an EXTERNAL scroll. (if something is outside of yourself it is “external” – that’s further clarification for the fools) I’m laughing. God bless the USA for the freedom of speech, the power of choice, and international food courts at a mall near you. Peace! (PS. I LOVE SUSHI. yummy yum yum)

“Nothing is more pitiful than fools who are enslaved to narrow minded rules” -Rev. Dr. DK Gemini (from The Church of Tell It Like It Is)

Mass Appeal

Pope Get A Clue


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