The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Prostitution’

Career Over By Playing THE VICTIM in Real Life

Jimmy Bennett is a manipulator. Not only is he a a manipulator, he is also a very stupid, greedy one. Asking for 3.5 million dollars after having sex with someone who shouldn’t have been having sex with him  is showing how greedy he really is.

Was he penetrated? Did he get pregnant? No? Well then guess what. He got PAID for having his dick sucked by someone who should not have been sucking it. He had sex and got PAID $350,000.000 for having sex. He was not penetrated. He did not get pregnant. 

These VICTIMS (REAL VICTIMS) of the Roman Catholic Church WERE penetrated and some WERE impregnated in MANY regions of the world and DID NOT ASK FOR and DID NOT RECEIVE 3.5 million or $350,000 bucks. So little SPOILED GREEDY BRAT Jimmy Bennett; save your money wisely because your career is over and you’ll now be known as a money-obsessed manipulator for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. And So It Is. Amen.

The Magic Vagina & “Logic”

So this idiot I was involved with (NO longer. THANK GOD. ALLELUIAH !) couldn’t understand why his baby-mamma HATED his guts and was suing the living be-Jesus out of him despite fact that he called baby-mamma really “nice” names like “V-legs” and completely BLAMED HER for HIS current custody war. His thick,Neanderthal skull seriously believes in the magic, free-sex, no-pregnancy pussy. I asked him this once: So did you have a vasectomy? Did you ever use protection? His response?  “Well SHE never got pregnant before.” (Yup. The “logic”. And they gave this guy a college degree. Lord. Help. Us.) Fast forward to yesterday’s disturbing news of the murdered baby Bella Bond.…….this poor baby was brought into this sick world by ANOTHER SEMEN DUMPING, IRRESPONSIBLE NEANDERTHAL with that same “logic” mentioned above. This Joe Amoroso creature deposits his load into a heroin/Class A addicted prostitute,  while homeless with no money, then SPLITS, NEVER meets the baby, BUT when CAMERAS are ROLLING….. he

prostitute1 puts on his VICTIM FACE, and BLAMES the baby’s neighbors for her demise. Oh yeah….that “logic” again. And they want to defund Planned Parenthood? God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-1


Ho Hum….Another One

So this Jared Fogle just got busted for raping minors over the past few years (plural) with the help and assistance of being fed more pervert fodder (some that was produced by hidden cameras in clock radios. how “lovely”) by the creep who was running his charity which was designed to “help” children. Isn’t it amazing how some misogynist perverts get caught while others just like them coast and go on to make movies with famous Hollywood directors?  Keep in mind, all this went down in good ol’ NEW YORK CITY!!!! (not Mexico, not Afghanistan, not Kenya) and this Jared creep is married with children. And so it is. God Bless America. Amen.

Jared Fogle: Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle leaves the Federal Courthouse in Indianapolis, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 following a hearing on child-pornography charges. Fogle agreed to plead guilty to allegations that he paid for sex acts with minors and received child pornography in a case that destroyed his career at the sandwich-shop chain and could send him to prison for more than a decade.

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Trump & Dem Boyz From New Yawk

Oh Praise Jesus in Heaven that I got the HELL out of that Mafia-Infested-Drug-Addled-Misogynist-Shit-Hole also known as the New York/New Jersey Tri State Area. (Glory to God. Alleluiah!) That MYOPIC old-white-guy thinking that Mr. Trump DISPLAYS so VIVIDLY, is a TESTAMENT to the DISDAIN I have for that neck of the woods (and the misogynist ape mentality, and that “protect the great white male” enabler mentality that comes from it).  Trump talks about Hispanic rapists? Mr. Trump – it’s time to take a good, long, INVESTIGATIVE look at certain American Born White Men who drug and rape teenaged girls, sing songs about raping teenaged girls, and then make movies with ZERO accountability  (for rape) from the  help of all their ENABLERS, FAMILY MEMBERS, RAPE ENDORSERS and other funder/helpers who work at DISNEY, other domestic companies and MAYBE even the NYPD (LOL!!!!!!).  That’s right Mr. Trump. White, American, Misogynist MEN FROM NEW  YORK (Your very own HOME town!) who RAPE teenaged girls and NEVER go to jail (With their DOOR MAT enabler-leaning-post significant others standing by their side- Awwww. How “family values”). Hope any person around the rapist-pedophile-drug addicted-misogynist creeps mentioned in this (not Donald Trump) have a body camera and all their disease-immunization shots because the people listed in this post have diseases swimming around in their blood that medical science has not even come up with the names for yet. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen. 5 Presidential Traits That Donald Trump Is Missing Phil Allocco Picture Two suspected mob bosses kiss each other in a show of loyalty. The image comes from surveillance footage from the operation released by Italian police

The “Christian” Comedy Alliance

So, recently a bunch of cartoonists in Europe were mercilessly slaughtered for poking fun at religion. Horrible, right? Gross. But today, I came across some of the BEST and probably unintentional (or maybe COMPLETELY INTENTIONAL) pieces of satire I’ve read in quite some time. Some guy most people have never heard of until now (of course) wrote some article about the “gay agenda” (too funny!) that is being “crammed” down our throats via television – and no, this writer wasn’t even referring to the “Bill Clinton hanging out with the pedophile thing” either (talk about AGENDA – wish good ol’ Hillbilly Clinton would get some sex-addiction therapy QUICKLY ! but…we know…we know….HE “doesn’t” have a “problem” – that’s just the way THEM good ol’ boys are! Yeee Ha!). (Insert Banjo Music) But I digress…..So this “Christian” writer talks of the…get ready now….”EVILS” (lol!) of Ellen DeGeneres and her “GAY AGENDA” and lists the ALTERNATIVES to that “evil”. Here are two that made the “Christian” “alternatives to evil” (lol!) list:

1) Gunsmoke : a 1950’s/1960-ish television show whereby one of the main characters is a PROSTITUTE/MADAM who “services” (wink wink) married men or unmarried men (gotta SOW THOSE WILD OATS BOYS! YEE HA!).  Evil Agenda? “Hey all you horny cowboys who can’t control your dick – while your sperm-dumping- receptacle (aka “fruitful vine”, “wife”) is home cooking and cleaning and minding your offspring, you can pleasure yourselves with a few drinks at the saloon and then receive a nice “happy ending” with one of our whores upstairs.”  Now that’s some “Christian” Family Entertainment right there!  (PS – in real life the lady who played the main Madam/Prostitute character died of AIDS having been MARRIED to a man who was GAY (yup!).)


2) The Fugitive: Really? Jesus promoted cigarette smoking and revenge?

God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Amanda Blake "Gunsmoke" Kitty Russell


Still of David Janssen in The Fugitive (1963)

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