The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘New York’

KellyanneCONartist’s Kid Looks About 45 Years Old

Anti-Politically Correct, Pro-Life/Pro-Bully “Christian“, Donald “Grab ‘Em By the Pussy” Trump Sychopant Kellyanne CONartist and her obese husband George seem to be having problems with their “precious” “blessing” offspring . Wonder how that happened. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

The Many Roles They Serve

So it’s  International Women’s Day. Woo Hoo! “Grab ’em By The Pussy” Trump is still President with his doting, “I-needed-a-Green-Card”, GROUPIE-immigrant, “semen-dumping-RECEPTACLE-child-birthing OBJECT” standing by his side (she’s oftentimes referred to as his “wife”). You know the “wife” (lol) the one EXCUSING his sexual assault banter, and standing in her 8 inch stiletto heels with her plastic posing smile that is befitting to the kind of person she is as her OVER TWO DECADES OLDER (that’s TWO DECADES – when she was born Trump was already old enough to drink and vote) cum-dumping PIG for a husband (say the following with a Slovenian accent “I love crumpled, old,  GERIATRIC cock – it makes my yeast infected pussy wet”) continues to destroy the country.  Standing on the other side of the Orange Pus that is Donald Trump is the New Jersey Bred-Italian-Catholic-Skank more commonly referred to a Kellyanne CONway, an anti-feminist, pro-rape, sycophant who enables, promotes and excuses rapist agendas so that she can get her crooked jawline in front of the white-hot spotlight of the studio cameras at any given New York Old White Guy network that will have her. (Sigh). This is why we have to have folks like the person who has to, get this….TEACH men HOW to NOT be rapists. Oh yeah! It’s that ETCHED into the collective old white male psyche that the only thing females are good for is 1)sucking dick, 2)scrubbing the toilet and 3)birthing their SON!!!!!!!!!!!! (i.e.. The MANY roles THEY (Whew! Thank God I have a dick and NEVER have to endure childbirth, menstruate every month, work a full time job, juggle child rearing responsibilities, get paid seventy five cents to every dollar a semen dumper makes AND CONTINUALLY DEFEND myself against RAPIST MINDED WHITE MALE FILTH as they defund Planned Parenthood. I’m so happy I think I’ll go stroke my cock and go jerk off to a few 12 year old girls getting raped in the porn flick! -the old white male collective logic) SERVE. And So It Is. God Bless America. Amen.

Crappy Days. YO!!!

Scott Baio really puts the stamp on the DUMB, Brooklyn-bred LOSER stereotype. Duh. Duh. Duh. “Ladies” he says of SEXUAL ASSAULT BRAGGING ” ‘Dis iz how guys TAWK“. Duh. Duh. Duh. Yo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He thinks he “represents” ALL -that’s ALL – men and the way “they” (according to HIM) talk. How TYPICALLY ARROGANT. The dumb ape REALLY believes that he will NEVER go through a divorce (LOL!!!). What a “great” role model for his daughters. And then he’s filling out police reports when people around him are upset. What a SPOILED BABY he is. That’s what happens when POPULARITY is OVER at 21 years of age. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.unknown-4unknown-3unknown-5

Straight Outta Queens

Radicalized New Yorkers. Sheer Terror. Born in Queens, New York, USA. Sheer Terror.

“Born down in a dead man’s town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
End up like a dog that’s been beat too much
Till you spend half your life just covering up
Born in the U.S.A., I was born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A., born in the U.S.A.
Got in a little hometown jam
So they put a rifle in my hand……”

-From Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen

God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-2


Some Breeders Kill Me With Their Self Importance

So. You want to have kids! Yeah! I mean the earth would be deficient if YOUR “PHENOMENAL” GENES weren’t replicated, right? There’s a little more to it than just dumping the semen into the hole, and tossing a ball a few times a month (that’s if you’re the stick-around type of guardian) but SOMETIMES it takes the “we’re SO GREAT we MUST, MUST, MUST BREED” types a few YEARS to fully understand that their “precious offspring/power-struggle PAWN” is actually going to be HIS OR HER OWN PERSON, INDEPENDENT OF the SELF-IMPORTANT, delusional, NARCISSISTIC mammals that brought him or her into this very existence called human life. Uh huh. Enter (drum roll please) CELEBRITY BREEDERS. Oh Yeeeeeaaaaaaah! This international superstar celebrity MADONNA!!! and her international celebrity movie director ex GUY RITCHIE!!!!! (applause! applause! applause!) are feuding over their celebrity offspring and they and the attorneys are saying that it is best to keep him as much out of the spotlight as possible…”  Uhh…’s a LITTLE late for that INTERNATIONAL- SPOTLIGHT-SELF-IMPORTANT- CELEBRITY -BREEDER PARENTS. (What are these people thinking when they have kids? Oh. The usual imagesimages-2images-1THEMSELVES!!!!!!!) God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

Simi Valley SEMI-Literate

So this “lovely” Southern California school district called Simi Valley fired this coach because he APPEARED in a rap video. ” Otis Newell had apparently helped wayward youth go to college. But he was ACTING in a rap video (administrators…’s called ACTING A-C-T-I-N-G). YET, in another Southern California school district, administrator Steven Thomas Rooney was NOT acting in a video he was actually raping and impregnating several 14 and 15 year old students of his. But the district covered for him on more than one occasion. (Yeah. When you’re a white guy from New York things are different – different set of rules and laws). Well Mr. Rooney should be getting out of prison soon, maybe he can do some acting…..and other things (ahem). Yeah God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Back to School Picture

Steven Rooney - LAPD Picture

Spay And Neuter Humans Immediately

Attention World! There is a serious epidemic corroding the planet that is more severe, more aggressive, and yes, even more detrimental than the Ebola virus itself. This horrible disease has been plaguing folks for centuries and it seems, especially as of late, that it has become even more HORRIFIC in its latest mutation. The disease I refer to is none other than STUPID ENTITLED WHITE MALE MENTALITY. In its current strain, it insults the collective cerebral system in an extreme form. Advanced medical communities have termed the latest strain of this deadly mutation (this particular one, research has shown, began in Israel, developed in New York City and surrounding boroughs, mutated west, ending up in California) GENE SIMMONS.   Warning Signs of this Disease Include (But are not limited to): 1. Extreme Condescending Presentation of Common Sense That Members of Opposite Genders Have Already Implemented (Though Presenter Thinks It Is a New Concept and Presents As Such in an Attempt to Sound Wise) 2. Fuzzy Disturbing Growth on Top of Head That Looks Like Stale Cotton Candy Dyed Black 3. Random Semen Dumping and Inability To Clean Up Consequences of Such Dumping 4. Countless Plastic Surgeries That Defeat the Purpose of Having Plastic Surgery in the First Place 5. Emitting Antiquated Wisdom Consistent With That of a 1950’s Paradigm for Self Promotion 6. Taking Up Expensive Air Time And Wasting Paper and Natural Resources with Its Creations in Audio, Video, and Print Form People…..get SPAYED and NEUTERED immediately so that the risk of this DISEASE  is minimized to ZERO. (Ladies….100 pound weight gain,twenty seven hours of excruciating labor, vaginal mutilation through childbirth, postpartum, vomiting every morning, no sleep at night….all that WORK and the END RESULT could be another GENE SIMMONS in the next 67 years…..I implore you all….GET SPAYED and NEUTERED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! And so it is. Amen. Gene Simmons Picture     KISS

“Let’s Tawk…”

R.I.P. Joan Rivers. Your crass humor will be missed. You were a pioneer to say the least. Although your plastic surgeon is crying harder than I am, please know, I did have to bust out the tissue when I got the bad news. You were a riot! Laugh on in the Great Beyond….

Young at heart: Joan Rivers did not take kindly to her make-up artist making fun of her eyebrows, saying she looks 90




Just read that angry Buffalo fans are now wearing T-shirts that say “Bon Jovi Free Zone”. Wow. The ingenuity behind that move is just indescribable.  (“genius” strategists….the guy ALREADY MADE HIS MILLIONS OFF HIS MUSIC and MERCHANDISING..your T-shirt wearing is really going to block deals and his cash flow?) God Bless America. Amen.



As Gumba Christie puts on his BEST sad face for the cameras, he, like Jesus, utters the words “…..betrayed…….” (Luke 22).  What a STELLAR performance!

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