The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘rap’

Simi Valley SEMI-Literate

So this “lovely” Southern California school district called Simi Valley fired this coach because he APPEARED in a rap video. ” Otis Newell had apparently helped wayward youth go to college. But he was ACTING in a rap video (administrators…’s called ACTING A-C-T-I-N-G). YET, in another Southern California school district, administrator Steven Thomas Rooney was NOT acting in a video he was actually raping and impregnating several 14 and 15 year old students of his. But the district covered for him on more than one occasion. (Yeah. When you’re a white guy from New York things are different – different set of rules and laws). Well Mr. Rooney should be getting out of prison soon, maybe he can do some acting…..and other things (ahem). Yeah God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Back to School Picture

Steven Rooney - LAPD Picture

It’s All Fun & Games ‘Til Somebody Loses Their Penis

Rape Culture. It’s the one we’re living in. And Neanderthal entitlement is what drives it. Just ask Rick Ross, Jerry Sandusky, or any of the Steubenville Boys. And, the BRAGGING about rape is what really makes it so narcissistically barbaric. Adding more insult to injury is the enablers (Hi Mrs. Sandusky !) and the protectors of the rapists (Hey Steubenville online threat bullies- how was jail?).  Got my own online threats from a bunch of low-class degenerates a few months ago. Then another one a few weeks after that. See, I was commenting on this misogynist creep named John Verdi  (aliases “Shane”, “DuShane” who rapes underage girls (and probably boys too) and then writes songs about it. (Classy, eh?) Think Rick Ross is out of line? Puh-leeze. Rick’s mild by comparison. Check out this lyric from John Verdi’s (Shane DuShane) 1989 MCA recording flopWhiskey” by the band Law and Order“Came along this girl named Whiskey/She tasted sweet as honey/had a heart of gold/I didn’t know she was 14 years old/Got my finger in her pussy/she said, “Gimme another shot!”   Then, on one of Law and Order’s YouTube videos for a cover song they did (guess rape season didn’t give them enough time to come up with anything original that day) I found this post in the comment section:

      Yeah, I slept with Shane (the singer) back in ’89 or 90’…My ex-friend Josh pretty much pushed his way backstage but the bass player (I think) requested that I join the band backstage (At Shane’s request) at Toad’s Place (Downtown, New Haven, Connecticut) and then we were both invited to hang out at the Holiday Inn and the rest is history…It must have been ’89 ’cause Shane “liked ’em young” to quote the other members of the band and I am pretty sure I was only sixteen…TMFI…ShannonPhoenixScarlett 7 months ago

 Of course, the above mentioned incriminating comment was deleted from YouTube. These are old, ugly, white guys mind you (50+). Like the Catholic Church, they prefer to keep their rapes under cover – it could BLOW their chances of getting laid like a normal person  (No pun intended). Below are the online threats I received from someone calling themselves the “Verdi Family” and “Watch Your Back” after expressing the truth about their “beloved” family member:

IP:, VERDI family said:December 30, 2012 at 10:09 pm Keep talking smack about my brother you psycho… He is the most honest, trustworthy man to ever walk the planet earth and just because you can’t get over one great night with him , doesn’t give you the right to trash talk anyone. Keep it up and I promise you will be paying the price for your ignorance, arrogance and psychotic behavior . Watch your back while you sleep woman !

IP:,  E-mail: yousgoulddie@yahoo.comWhois:, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:17 PM watch your back commented on Another Lying White Guy With Substance Abuse Issues Someone should shoot you for your cowardly comments, I would think twice where you go

(This is me again) Low class New York’s “finest”. Rape -n-Roll entitlement mentality. And so it is. Amen. 



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