The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘White Male Patriarchy’

Who CARES that you’re breeding AGAIN?!

Why do these celebrity women and their handlers feel SO compelled to let the WHOLE WORLD know that they’re breeding AGAIN while there are countless other people who don’t even have a place to live? Most people took a dump in the toilet too. Do we get photos of that? (thank God NO) SICK of these airbrushed, photoshopped, plastic-surgery induced photos of “oh look how OLD I am YET I have the abs of a 12 year old- that’s AFTER I popped out SEVEN kids!” While there are TOO MANY homeless people. TOO MANY people who don’t have ENOUGH. And these semen dumping men(WAY too old to be procreating) who keep on knocking these broads up – THINK…… FOR ONCE!!! Give it a rest already! NOBODY really cares about your entitled, BREEDING life. OVERKILL. GO AWAY! And So It Is. God Bless America. AMEN.

Entitled breeders who believe the universe revolves around them (above).

Reality. (Above).

Fake. Fake. Fake. (Below)

Airbrushed. Plastic Surgery. Professional Lighting. Narcissism. “Hey Girls! Your Worth is Based on Your Looks ONLY! Don’t you WISH you were ME?!” (Above)

If Baron Trump Was Christine Blasey Ford

Something to Ponder (Purely Hypothetical): Some drunken frat-boy does to Barron Trump what was done to Christine Blasey-Ford. Years pass by, and that same drunken frat-boy is up for the Supreme Court spot while Barron Trump continues to have a restraining order against his father and still refuses to speak to his “it’s just locker talk” mother. Would that same drunken frat-boy have his Supreme Court nomination withdrawn? Just some food (not beer) for thought. And So It Is. God Bless America. Amen.

Dana Loesch’s Husband Never Jerked Off to Porn

Glorified, glamorized, dropped-out-of-college-to-have-a-baby, conservative, Christian-raised, NRA (National RIFLE!!!!! Association) advocate Dana Loesch wants everybody to think her husband (whoever he is – nobody cares) NEVER EVER EVER jerked off to porn or watched young girls get raped on a screen (aka PORN) while his dick got hard. That’s right! “Family Values!”(aka “keep ’em barefoot and pregnant because we just dump semen in a hole and hit the strip club and go to shooting practice” Donald “Grab ’em by the Pussy” is the president y’all) Missouri -schooled, my-kid-will-never-end-up-a-school-shooter-or-get-shot-at-school, mother Dana Loesch SUPPORTS and ADVOCATES for the NRA. (Say “YEEEEE HAAA!!!!!) Well HOW ELSE IS AN UNEDUCATED BREEDER GOING TO GET ON TV AND BECOME A BRAND (Kellyanne CONway did!!!!) ?!?!?!? DUH! God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

Kellyanne CONway the CONartist

Jesus Christ. Kellyanne Conway, this PRO-RAPE, New Jersey-Italian- Catholic-sewage that she is, represents not only Trump, but anyone and anything that excuses every perverted, rapist, creep that crawls around. She’s brainwashed by the old white guy regime and she looks worse than any meth head. When her daughter comes home from school and says, “Mom some boy GRABBED ME BY MY PUSSY today at school” what does this New Jersey-Italian-Catholic-sewage say? “Yeah, that old perverted white guy who throws me a few dollars to run my mouth grabs mine too. And everybody else’s.” With all the money that she and her fat, ugly, defender of the tobacco industry husband make, could she at least do something with that straw on her head? Is she going to the PTA meeting to be nominated for “mother of the year?” Wow. This is what happens when New Jersey-Italian-Catholic-trash wastes valuable time and money on a law degree. All that brainwashing with no brain to clean. Waste. Sewage. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.conwayinsults-660x330-1gty-ap-donald-trump-kellyanne-conway-split-jt-161112_31x13_1600images-5

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