The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Narcissism’

Who CARES that you’re breeding AGAIN?!

Why do these celebrity women and their handlers feel SO compelled to let the WHOLE WORLD know that they’re breeding AGAIN while there are countless other people who don’t even have a place to live? Most people took a dump in the toilet too. Do we get photos of that? (thank God NO) SICK of these airbrushed, photoshopped, plastic-surgery induced photos of “oh look how OLD I am YET I have the abs of a 12 year old- that’s AFTER I popped out SEVEN kids!” While there are TOO MANY homeless people. TOO MANY people who don’t have ENOUGH. And these semen dumping men(WAY too old to be procreating) who keep on knocking these broads up – THINK…… FOR ONCE!!! Give it a rest already! NOBODY really cares about your entitled, BREEDING life. OVERKILL. GO AWAY! And So It Is. God Bless America. AMEN.

Entitled breeders who believe the universe revolves around them (above).

Reality. (Above).

Fake. Fake. Fake. (Below)

Airbrushed. Plastic Surgery. Professional Lighting. Narcissism. “Hey Girls! Your Worth is Based on Your Looks ONLY! Don’t you WISH you were ME?!” (Above)

de – FAME -ation

It’s so funny when FAMOUS people whine and scream about DEFAMATION and have $$$$$$$ to throw around.

From the American Psychological Association:

narcissistic personality disorderin DSM–IV–TR and DSM–5, a personality disorder with the following characteristics: (a) a long-standing pattern of grandiose self-importance and an exaggerated sense of talent and achievements; (b) fantasies of unlimited sex, power, brilliance, or beauty; (c) an exhibitionistic need for attention and admiration; (d) either cool indifference or feelings of rage, humiliation, or emptiness as a response to criticism, indifference, or defeat; and (e) various interpersonal disturbances, such as feeling entitled to special favors, taking advantage of others, and inability to empathize with the feelings of others. [originally formulated by psychoanalysts Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957), Otto Kernberg (1928–  ), and Heinz Kohut (1913–1981) and psychologist Theodore Millon]

God bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Entitled White Guys & Their Weak Apologies

Oh Jesus. Here we go again! Another has-been, old, white guy making the media rounds with yet another sad and sorry excuse for an “apology”. (Isn’t it always SO timely that these “apologies” ALWAYS happen AFTER the entitled White Guy has either directly or indirectly damaged masses of people’s spirits, some individual’s esteem and in some cases (maybe even many cases) some people’s vaginas, sexual health, mental and emotional well being for life. Howard Stern, who has made his EXTREMELY PROSPEROUS LIVING off of degrading someone ELSE’S daughters, someone ELSE’s sisters, someone ELSE’s female friends, someone ELSE’s mother, etc., NOW all of a sudden, (now that he’s OLD, and his archaic radio show is essentially a platform that went by the way of leg warmers and feathered hair) he is supposedly the “NEW JESUS” repenting for his past (?) sins, with his nearly two decades younger trophy-wife posing by his side. (I bet she’s just doubled over in pain LAUGHING about Howard Stern’s ex wife’s miscarriage. (Isn’t that just “hilarious”?) ) Of course an entitled White Guy with a dick, who NEVER will experience anything like that with HIS body can make ALL the jokes in the world about it with ….get this…$$$REWARDS$$$ included. Let a woman, a black person and/or a minority on any job try that “joke”, and watch that person get canned from employment in a NEW YORK MINUTE. Entitled prick White Guys “mysteriously” get excused, with their enabling door mat females, sycophants and friends gleefully cheering them on (think Melanoma Trump) with that “oh he’s just a guy” pathetic brush off that they always use. (And Stern wants us to believe he’s “Sorry”??? Give us a BREAK !!!!). Moron, entitled White Guy Liam Neeson is another pathetic case. , and this has-been Moby is another one. All these jokers need to do is go back to doing the only thing that any of them is good at – and that’s playing with their dicks. That’s it. You all are old and ugly now, your hey day is over, nobody cares about your half-assed, bullshit apologies. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Dana Loesch’s Husband Never Jerked Off to Porn

Glorified, glamorized, dropped-out-of-college-to-have-a-baby, conservative, Christian-raised, NRA (National RIFLE!!!!! Association) advocate Dana Loesch wants everybody to think her husband (whoever he is – nobody cares) NEVER EVER EVER jerked off to porn or watched young girls get raped on a screen (aka PORN) while his dick got hard. That’s right! “Family Values!”(aka “keep ’em barefoot and pregnant because we just dump semen in a hole and hit the strip club and go to shooting practice” Donald “Grab ’em by the Pussy” is the president y’all) Missouri -schooled, my-kid-will-never-end-up-a-school-shooter-or-get-shot-at-school, mother Dana Loesch SUPPORTS and ADVOCATES for the NRA. (Say “YEEEEE HAAA!!!!!) Well HOW ELSE IS AN UNEDUCATED BREEDER GOING TO GET ON TV AND BECOME A BRAND (Kellyanne CONway did!!!!) ?!?!?!? DUH! God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

Some Breeders Kill Me With Their Self Importance

So. You want to have kids! Yeah! I mean the earth would be deficient if YOUR “PHENOMENAL” GENES weren’t replicated, right? There’s a little more to it than just dumping the semen into the hole, and tossing a ball a few times a month (that’s if you’re the stick-around type of guardian) but SOMETIMES it takes the “we’re SO GREAT we MUST, MUST, MUST BREED” types a few YEARS to fully understand that their “precious offspring/power-struggle PAWN” is actually going to be HIS OR HER OWN PERSON, INDEPENDENT OF the SELF-IMPORTANT, delusional, NARCISSISTIC mammals that brought him or her into this very existence called human life. Uh huh. Enter (drum roll please) CELEBRITY BREEDERS. Oh Yeeeeeaaaaaaah! This international superstar celebrity MADONNA!!! and her international celebrity movie director ex GUY RITCHIE!!!!! (applause! applause! applause!) are feuding over their celebrity offspring and they and the attorneys are saying that it is best to keep him as much out of the spotlight as possible…”  Uhh…’s a LITTLE late for that INTERNATIONAL- SPOTLIGHT-SELF-IMPORTANT- CELEBRITY -BREEDER PARENTS. (What are these people thinking when they have kids? Oh. The usual imagesimages-2images-1THEMSELVES!!!!!!!) God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

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