The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Sexism’

Entitled White Guys & Their Weak Apologies

Oh Jesus. Here we go again! Another has-been, old, white guy making the media rounds with yet another sad and sorry excuse for an “apology”. (Isn’t it always SO timely that these “apologies” ALWAYS happen AFTER the entitled White Guy has either directly or indirectly damaged masses of people’s spirits, some individual’s esteem and in some cases (maybe even many cases) some people’s vaginas, sexual health, mental and emotional well being for life. Howard Stern, who has made his EXTREMELY PROSPEROUS LIVING off of degrading someone ELSE’S daughters, someone ELSE’s sisters, someone ELSE’s female friends, someone ELSE’s mother, etc., NOW all of a sudden, (now that he’s OLD, and his archaic radio show is essentially a platform that went by the way of leg warmers and feathered hair) he is supposedly the “NEW JESUS” repenting for his past (?) sins, with his nearly two decades younger trophy-wife posing by his side. (I bet she’s just doubled over in pain LAUGHING about Howard Stern’s ex wife’s miscarriage. (Isn’t that just “hilarious”?) ) Of course an entitled White Guy with a dick, who NEVER will experience anything like that with HIS body can make ALL the jokes in the world about it with ….get this…$$$REWARDS$$$ included. Let a woman, a black person and/or a minority on any job try that “joke”, and watch that person get canned from employment in a NEW YORK MINUTE. Entitled prick White Guys “mysteriously” get excused, with their enabling door mat females, sycophants and friends gleefully cheering them on (think Melanoma Trump) with that “oh he’s just a guy” pathetic brush off that they always use. (And Stern wants us to believe he’s “Sorry”??? Give us a BREAK !!!!). Moron, entitled White Guy Liam Neeson is another pathetic case. , and this has-been Moby is another one. All these jokers need to do is go back to doing the only thing that any of them is good at – and that’s playing with their dicks. That’s it. You all are old and ugly now, your hey day is over, nobody cares about your half-assed, bullshit apologies. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Yeah No Kidding.

Hmmmm. Let’s see. The POTUS thinks that “grab ’em by the pussy” is a fun night out. So do MANY, MANY, MANY more (TOO many to list). And So It Is. God Bless America. Amen.


Pro-Life Christians Bomb Syria

So Trump ordered airstrikes on Syria with close to 50 Tomahawk missiles to be fired.  Remember folks – this guy Trump who NEVER SERVED IN A WAR even ONE second of his life, gives commands for mass destruction and killing. (He’s PRO-LIFE, remember? It IS funny, in that oh-so-tragic way, isn’t it?) And, he’s a “Christian“. Hilarious. (PS – Hey Kellyanne CONway -please pick the gray pubic hairs out of your crooked teeth as you stand by and support this WAR-MONGERING, SEXUAL ASSAULT endorsing PIG- yeah Mrs. Kellyanne “PRO-LIFE” “WE JUST BOMBED SYRIA” Italian-CATHOLIC CONway). God Bless and HELP America. And so it is. Amen.


War. Violence. Men. “Power”.

God. When will this crap end? Seeing the footage of Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith- the man killed in Benghazi, go off on Hilary Clinton, spinning Donald Trump (joke) as some hero (joke), made me think: the old white guy NEW YORK misogynist media is once again up to their old tricks. Yeah. I’m talking about the MEN. The MEN who NEVER go through pregnancy, NEVER go through CHILDBIRTH, NEVER have an ounce of empathy for anyone except themselves, their egos and their dicks. The MEN who are continually abusing their power, CAPITALIZING AND PROFITING OFF OF A MOTHER’S PAIN (a PAIN THEY WILL NEVER KNOW) and USING her emotions as FREE content while they stroke their cocks and their egos and make innuendos about having Clinton assassinated.    And then we wonder why Americans are hated around the globe. Think Benghazi was bad? The OLD, NEW YORK WHITE GUY REGIME (PIMPS) will have us bombed in 5 minutes just by Trump opening his STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, RACIST, MISOGYNIST mouth and his old white guy media globally broadcasting his stupidity and 1950’s mentality. Prayers to the world. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.images-6images-5images-7

Straight Outta Queens

Radicalized New Yorkers. Sheer Terror. Born in Queens, New York, USA. Sheer Terror.

“Born down in a dead man’s town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
End up like a dog that’s been beat too much
Till you spend half your life just covering up
Born in the U.S.A., I was born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A., born in the U.S.A.
Got in a little hometown jam
So they put a rifle in my hand……”

-From Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen

God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-2


More Losers From the Music Biz!!!!

Here we go AGAIN! This time singer Ke$ha is getting support from Taylor Swift for Ke$ha’s unfortunate involvement with this Dr. Luke guy. Good for her. MANY, MANY, MANY of these CREEP MISOGYNISTIC SCUMBAGS really, really BELIEVE that the sun, moon and stars revolve around that dangling appendage between their legs, and that they can do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING with that dangling appendage between their legs and there will be NO CONSEQUENCE for them whatsoever. I mean the bravado, the innate arrogance, the PRO-RAPE MENTALITY that they possess is BEYOND PITIFUL. THIRTY TWO (that’s 32) YEAR OLD record producer wants an EIGHTEEN (18) YEAR OLD girl fresh out of high school to live in his house. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.  (“What’s wrong with these ‘bitches’ ?! Can’t they just shut up when I’m havin’ a blast with my dick while they’re passed out?!? ) And so it is. God bless America. Amen.




Dem Moose Limbs….

Lord give me strength. In typical, ignorant, barely articulate speech, this guy at a New Hampshire (a state known for widespread heroin addiction nowadays) Donald Trump rally, gets up and asks Trump how “we” (gotta love it. “WE” LOL are going to get RID of THEM). See, this us versus them, black versus white, Christian versus Muslim, etc., etc., etc., is the stuff that the Holocaust was made of. It’s called CRO MAGNON brain – and unfortunately, many people are still in the cave man era. I won’t mention any names. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.


“So Why Don’t You Have Kids”? asks the Stupid White Male.

I “love” when people, with upmost sincerity, look at me with a perplexed look on their faces and say, “So Why Don’t You Have Kids?” This particularly irks me when this, in my opinion, BEYOND ridiculous question, comes from the mouth of a clueless white male who never goes through childbirth or pregnancy a day in his life and who has had a stay-at-home “Betty Crocker” type mother – the kind who has never worked outside of the home. (I won’t NAME anybody out on this today especially if they are NOT a celebrity) (even though they THINK they are). So Carly Fiorina  doesn’t think everybody in America should get maternity leave.  Did you hear that all you parents out there? PRO LIFE advocates  (WHATEVER the fuck that means…seriously…I’m cracking up laughing right now) REALLY have this section in their brain that thinks money grows on trees. Their argument? Let the COMPANIES decide. Well, having been FIRED by MORE THAN ONE COMPANY (PLURAL. PLURAL. PLURAL) because I had to attend funeral services or near-death-experience-of-family members (while WHITE MEN discuss PLAYBOY MANSION outings and show pictures of tits on their phones in the CORPORATE environment – 30, 40, 50 year old men not teenagers) I’m really not TRUSTING  companies to look out for ANYBODY’s DAMN INTEREST ESPECIALLY the one who is going through childbirth and pregnancy while her counterpart is discussing Playboy Mansion outings and whacking off to tits on his phone. Not to mention the absolute and blatant discrimination of workers in this country who CHOOSE NOT to breed. I mean, it’s ridiculous. And so it is. God Bless America. Amen. CHILDBIRTH PUSHING Pervert Meme - I'M NOT ALWAYS A PERVERT... BUT WHEN I AM...DAMN, BITCH, LOOK AT DAT ASS! The Most Interesting Man In The World    

White Male Ivory Tower & Eggshell Thin Ego

While millions upon millions of hard-working Americans who have busted their asses to obtain a college education are buried in student loan debt and default, can’t buy homes, can’t start families, can barely afford the basics, OLD RICH WHITE GUY CELEBRITIES who have millions of dollars to throw around are suing non-celebrities because they were called a name. This OVER 65 YEAR OLD James Woods parades around his 20 year old busted for drugs girlfriend and then SUES because he was referred to as a “cocaine addict” via Twitter. Gotta love it. I’m telling you, these sperm dumping ego driven old white guys with too much money would probably commit suicide at 15 years old if they were female being called EVERY name in the book (“slut”, “whore”, “bitch”) via SEVERAL forms of media (RADIO, TV, MOVIES) and then again in person simply walking down the street by 90% of the never-held-accountable males BEHIND the name calling. How WEAK, PATHETIC, and HYPOCRITICAL does an old white guy have to be? Hey Mexicans and Breast Feeding Women.….Let’s SUE Donald Trump now! SMDH. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.


The actor filed a defamation lawsuit against an individual who replied to Woods' tweets about Barack Obama and Caitlyn Jenner.

Let Men Go Through This…..

Seriously. I thought that STUPID POPE’S comments about people without kids being “selfish” was the most TYPICALLY ARROGANT crap coming out of the Vatican (what else is new) – and that they give that guy time and energy – is even more ridiculous. But, it ties in to the whole media blitzkrieg and religious campaign of ONCE AGAIN messing with the female mind. (How many ways can we make 100% certain that women will be as LESS THAN as humanly possible!) No kidding that depression is TWICE as common in women than in men. That latest internet article, “….and looks as though she isn’t even pregnant!” OOOOH! NOT PREGNANT! Don’t wanna look PREGNANT…..but yet YOU BETTER SQUEEZE OUT THOSE BABIES or be (GASP!) “SELFISH!!!!”. (And males just deposit their loads in the hole and go on their merry way….fa la la). Jesus! (He didn’t have kids….so I guess according to the Pope (of the ROMAN! Catholic! Church! then Jesus is “selfish”) And so it is. Amen. pope-francis-funny guide-to-flat-abs-header

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