The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘God’

“Being PUSHED in faces……”

LOL. That’s all I can say. So these women on some Dallas talk show got into a heated debate over an NFL gay football player kissing his boyfriend on ESPN. This blonde woman is upset because according to her it’s being “pushed in faces”. Right (AHEM). So the Nazi regime breaks into her home at night, holds a gun to her silky blonde head and says, “Turn on TV now. Watch gay people!” I mean, it’s not like nearly every commercial historically  has shoved the “family values” “nuclear family” agenda down our throats since the beginning of television or anything .(ie. “euphoric females doing the dishes, serving their husbands and kids with either housecleaning or food because they’re SO happy to be the sacrificial martyr/slave” – just watch commercials from the 60’s through the 80’s -hell- even today! I’ve never seen SO many JOY FILLED women on TV scrubbing toilet bowls….GIMME A BREAK!) YET, THOSE OF US WHO DON’T WANT TO WATCH IT, do this really, highly evolved, progressive thing….it’s called….DON”T LOOK!  I just hope for this blonde woman’s sake (who evidently can’t handle watching gay men kiss) that her PRECIOUS OFFSPRING isn’t homosexual (GASP!!!) or she might be in some SERIOUS trouble. And so it is. GOD BLESS AMERICA. AMEN.




Losers, Bullies, Violence and God Bless America

The Wanna-Be-Terrorists of most recent events (the Boston Bombings) found out about karma the hard way. One is dead, and the other now faces the music. Ruslan Tsarni, uncle of the Wanna-Be-Terrorists, expressed his concern about the older nephew’s weirdness back in 2009. The younger brother’s mechanic Gilberto Junior alluded to the younger brother’s affiliation with EuroTrash and drugs. God Bless America. Amen.

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