The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘NFL’

Oscars Boycott? No Problem….

…I have not been watching these awards shows for the past 10 years regardless of race. You know what else I’ve naturally boycotted my entire life? Football games.(unless I was paid to play a football fan). That’s right! I guess that makes me a BAD American (oh well!). When I saw the movie “Concussion” with the other 4 people in the entire theater, I thought to myself, the movie industry is REALLY getting desperate for subjects in movies nowadays. (I’m going to write a screenplay and call it “Cavity” where the main premise of the film will center around a bubble gum blowing team whose members are all losing their teeth. I’m guessing it won’t be nominated for an Academy Award either. Oh well.) At any rate, Will Smith gets a standing ovation from me because I’d have read that script and would not have been able to keep a straight face no matter how much they’d be paying me. (Will….if “Cavity” gets made (on YOUR DIME) I’ll nominate you like there’s no tomorrow….and we can make a whole series of OBVIOUS titled films with political messages that highlight the STUPIDITY and BLATANT ARROGANCE of American culture…here I have a few: “Rusty Pipe” – a story about the water contamination of low income people in Flint, MI – “Obesity” – the story of Chris Christie stuffing his face – and “Alcoholic” – the story of Sean Penn trying to be a journalist. Lord Help Us. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.










Glamorized Cavemen Suck

It’s horrible enough that glamorized, misogynist apes who beat their wives and murder people are running down football fields getting paid millions of dollars by the flocks of brain-dead sheep that patronize them, but then there’s the narcissistic props that feed into and assist them with their overrated sense of self-importance. Enter Britt McHenry ! She’s the “ever-so-classy” ESPN sports reporter that I never heard of until this morning. Evidently, she had to pay a tow fine (a BIG problem in her little world) and had to CONDESCENDINGLY inform the tow attendant that SHE is ON TELEVISION!  (oooooh….ahhhh!) It’s wild how she gets suspended for verbal confrontation, yet these wife-beating-murderers are allotted AMPLE room, and get-out-of-jail-passes for heinous, criminal behavior over and over and over. It “ONLY” took Aaron Hernandez THREE murders before anything was done.  Again….this is yet another reason why I don’t patronize sports. God Bless America. Amen.

Britt McHenry 2011.jpg

Stand-out: Rice has been a star player for the Ravens ever since he was drafted in the second round of the 2008 draft. Prior to that, he played for Rutgers University Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez is already jailed, awaiting trial in the killing of Odin Lloyd in June.


More Pains in the ASS (literally).

Okay all you future Jerry Sandusky Wanna-Bes….take note! It seems American Football has been the symbol of many forms of criminal abuse lately. Most recently Sayreville, New Jersey WAR Memorial High School football players allegedly got the SURPRISE of their lives when older fellow teammates allegedly shouted something like , “Lights out!” and then seemingly proceeded to rape the younger, smaller players up the ass. (Is this training ground to play for the RAMS? Is this how the RAMS got their name?) Just another day in blue collar hell hole New Jersey for ya’. (Sigh.) AS IF this is the only time something like this has ever happened (yawn). But rest assured, this is a GREAT way to break in the next generation of domestic abusers, wife beaters and child abusers that will play for the NFL down the line. One solution that might remedy this ongoing ill of society is to fly in the Palin family, give them some alcohol, and then let Track and Bristol Palin “knock” these rapist types out. But the Palins are probably too busy ice fishing or something. Oh well. God Bless America. Amen.

Happy birthday: The Palin family was at the birthday party of a family friend, and celebrating the birthday of patriarch Todd, when they started a fight with one of Willow's ex-boyfriends, Connor Cleary


An American football player Stock Photo - Premium Royalty-Free, Code: 653-02002054

What’s Love Got to Do With It

Ray Rice. Seriously?     Janay Palmer – Think of your daughter. No joke. RIP Nicole Brown Simpson. Again NO JOKE.

Ike Turner

              O.J. Simpson



Just read that angry Buffalo fans are now wearing T-shirts that say “Bon Jovi Free Zone”. Wow. The ingenuity behind that move is just indescribable.  (“genius” strategists….the guy ALREADY MADE HIS MILLIONS OFF HIS MUSIC and MERCHANDISING..your T-shirt wearing is really going to block deals and his cash flow?) God Bless America. Amen.


“Being PUSHED in faces……”

LOL. That’s all I can say. So these women on some Dallas talk show got into a heated debate over an NFL gay football player kissing his boyfriend on ESPN. This blonde woman is upset because according to her it’s being “pushed in faces”. Right (AHEM). So the Nazi regime breaks into her home at night, holds a gun to her silky blonde head and says, “Turn on TV now. Watch gay people!” I mean, it’s not like nearly every commercial historically  has shoved the “family values” “nuclear family” agenda down our throats since the beginning of television or anything .(ie. “euphoric females doing the dishes, serving their husbands and kids with either housecleaning or food because they’re SO happy to be the sacrificial martyr/slave” – just watch commercials from the 60’s through the 80’s -hell- even today! I’ve never seen SO many JOY FILLED women on TV scrubbing toilet bowls….GIMME A BREAK!) YET, THOSE OF US WHO DON’T WANT TO WATCH IT, do this really, highly evolved, progressive thing….it’s called….DON”T LOOK!  I just hope for this blonde woman’s sake (who evidently can’t handle watching gay men kiss) that her PRECIOUS OFFSPRING isn’t homosexual (GASP!!!) or she might be in some SERIOUS trouble. And so it is. GOD BLESS AMERICA. AMEN.




More Stupid White Men Speak (Yet Again!)

So this Boomer Esiason guy, who, by the way, will NEVER have to get a C-section in HIS entire life has to say,  “Quite frankly, I would have said C-section before the season starts, I need to be at Opening Day. Then in the ever-so-popular back pedaling strategy he pathetically tried to mitigate his blatant sexism (laced with misogyny – ie. “EVERYBODY KNOWS MALE DOMINATED SPORTS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN A MERE FEMALE’S LIFE/PHYSICAL PAIN/THANK GOD I NEVER HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT GIRL SHIT/I’M SO GREAT IM A WHITE MALE. NOW KISS MY ASS”) with the “politically correct” apologetic, “I was not telling women what to do with their bodies … I would never do that.” Well bud, TOO LATE….you ALREADY DID. Now. I’m telling him what to do with his body: GO GET A C-SECTION ON YOUR HEAD DUMMY. Then, go get your mouth sewn shut, and go run up and down the football field chasing your balls because evidently, THAT is your primary talent. And so it is. Amen.

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