The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Yale’

A Dog’s Butt Looks Better Than Felicity Huffman’s Face and Soul

When someone is UGLY on the inside, they are automatically UGLY on the outside. Take this hideous, scandalous, leather faced, CRIMINAL – Felicity Huffman. (with really HORRID plastic surgery by the way…seriously Felicity? With all your money that’s the best plastic surgery you could get?!?) Calling this broad a dog would be a compliment. Jesus! It’s amazing the movie cameras still work after filming her! And she’s SO freaking ENTITLED too. Disgusting. Horrible. Pathetic. Hey SAT writers! Add a NEW analogy to the test: Example: spoiled rich entitled LAZY brats are to the elite Hollywood crowd: the aesthetics of Felicity Huffman’s face are to

a) a dog’s anus

b) a bad make up day for Caitlyn Jenner

c) the lead character in the movie Mask

d) ALL OF THE ABOVE. Her face would break every mirror in the prison. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

GROSS! YUCK! (*Warning: Don’t eat while you view this hideous broad’s face- may cause sickness)
Woof! Damn. I thought I was ugly! Compared to her I should be on the cover of Vogue! Woof!

If Baron Trump Was Christine Blasey Ford

Something to Ponder (Purely Hypothetical): Some drunken frat-boy does to Barron Trump what was done to Christine Blasey-Ford. Years pass by, and that same drunken frat-boy is up for the Supreme Court spot while Barron Trump continues to have a restraining order against his father and still refuses to speak to his “it’s just locker talk” mother. Would that same drunken frat-boy have his Supreme Court nomination withdrawn? Just some food (not beer) for thought. And So It Is. God Bless America. Amen.

Those Great White Males:)

As unarmed teenaged black males are gunned down for blasting loud music or walking home from the convenience store, and female ex-porn stars are fired from teaching (although men WATCH porn, write & sing songs about raping 14 year old girls, but “hey”! “boys will be boys”! wink wink NO skin off THEIR backs) R. Hunter Biden soldiers on successfully in his MANAGING DIRECTOR role after testing positive for having some Colombian Marching Powder in his Ivy League, Yale trained system. His equity firm claims to help ACCELERATE (sniff, sniff) growth. I’ll say! (Now it becomes clear why Joe Biden is always talking about his granddaughters instead). God Bless America. Amen.  

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