The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Archive for October, 2016

Tri-State Area Trash & Trump (Ha!)

Grateful for the tragically hysterical comedy that comes from the minds (and groin areas) of the ever so “evolved” great white males from the tri-state area. (Praise God and the Heavens above I got the HELL out of that New York/New Jersey shit hole). Yep. Trump dropped the “P” word like SO many of the alcoholic, low-class, enabled, babied, entitled, ROMAN CATHOLIC influenced white males and JUST LIKE the rapist-minded alcoholic MCA recording artists managed by Rush Management at the time who, with the help of DJ Gabe (last name – something Italian! The rules don’t apply to me! I’m Italian-American!) BROADCASTED their rapings-in-song (the singer actually rapes teenaged girls (and most likely boys…. in REAL life) over the tri-state area airwaves via ROMAN CATHOLIC University SETON HALL’s WSOU  back in the 80’s and 90’s, they (the white male rapist-minded) CONTINUE to hide behind the “family values – I’m such a GREAT dad and husband” BULLSHIT facade as their enabling doormat wives (“I’m a good wifey and mother! My husband threw some metal on my finger and parked his load in my twat! I am SO lucky!!! Those sluts DESERVED to get raped! They were wearing skirts!”) STAND BY THEIR MAN!!! (because co-dependent breeders can’t do anything on their own…Melania, Hilary, etc….all these “good wifey/mother” enablers all BLEND to me.) The ROMAN CATHOLIC EDUCATED K-12 alcoholic enablers are THE WORST. They will defend and protect these semen dumping rapist-minded pigs at EVERY chance. It’s just the way they were raised. ZERO self-esteem. (“I’m only here to BREED and CLEAN THE HOUSE! With a piece of metal on my finger! Lucky me!”) LOL!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!! (And then some of these idiots get divorced. Yeah. Big “surprise”.) Like I said, Praise GOD and the Heavens above I got the hell out of that New York/New Jersey area hell hole and got rid of all the human TRASH that came with it. LOL!!!! God Bless America. And So It Is.



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