The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Corporate America’

Pro LIFE & Powder Kegs

Not Funny today. ALL these people on TV, in the media, in the news, on the internet coming forward speaking about their experience with yesterday’s SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL, VIOLENT self-named “Powder Keg” from Virginia. Where was everybody when this nut was buying a gun? Where were all these PRO-LIFERS when this nut was unraveling and purchasing firearms? See there’s more to it then dumping sperm into a cavity and going on with YOUR life. There’s MUCH MORE to it. People POST WOMB are in trouble. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

“So Why Don’t You Have Kids”? asks the Stupid White Male.

I “love” when people, with upmost sincerity, look at me with a perplexed look on their faces and say, “So Why Don’t You Have Kids?” This particularly irks me when this, in my opinion, BEYOND ridiculous question, comes from the mouth of a clueless white male who never goes through childbirth or pregnancy a day in his life and who has had a stay-at-home “Betty Crocker” type mother – the kind who has never worked outside of the home. (I won’t NAME anybody out on this today especially if they are NOT a celebrity) (even though they THINK they are). So Carly Fiorina  doesn’t think everybody in America should get maternity leave.  Did you hear that all you parents out there? PRO LIFE advocates  (WHATEVER the fuck that means…seriously…I’m cracking up laughing right now) REALLY have this section in their brain that thinks money grows on trees. Their argument? Let the COMPANIES decide. Well, having been FIRED by MORE THAN ONE COMPANY (PLURAL. PLURAL. PLURAL) because I had to attend funeral services or near-death-experience-of-family members (while WHITE MEN discuss PLAYBOY MANSION outings and show pictures of tits on their phones in the CORPORATE environment – 30, 40, 50 year old men not teenagers) I’m really not TRUSTING  companies to look out for ANYBODY’s DAMN INTEREST ESPECIALLY the one who is going through childbirth and pregnancy while her counterpart is discussing Playboy Mansion outings and whacking off to tits on his phone. Not to mention the absolute and blatant discrimination of workers in this country who CHOOSE NOT to breed. I mean, it’s ridiculous. And so it is. God Bless America. Amen. CHILDBIRTH PUSHING Pervert Meme - I'M NOT ALWAYS A PERVERT... BUT WHEN I AM...DAMN, BITCH, LOOK AT DAT ASS! The Most Interesting Man In The World    

Those Great White Males:)

As unarmed teenaged black males are gunned down for blasting loud music or walking home from the convenience store, and female ex-porn stars are fired from teaching (although men WATCH porn, write & sing songs about raping 14 year old girls, but “hey”! “boys will be boys”! wink wink NO skin off THEIR backs) R. Hunter Biden soldiers on successfully in his MANAGING DIRECTOR role after testing positive for having some Colombian Marching Powder in his Ivy League, Yale trained system. His equity firm claims to help ACCELERATE (sniff, sniff) growth. I’ll say! (Now it becomes clear why Joe Biden is always talking about his granddaughters instead). God Bless America. Amen.  

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