The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Archive for February, 2014

Pro Quality of Life

So Anti-Choice Project co-founder Tom Herring of Tacoma’s Wilson High School says abortion is a shocking act of violence that kills a baby. Now this Tom Herring  (I’m assuming he’s male – maybe transgender? don’t know, don’t really care) has the FREEDOM to express his opinion. Just like he (assuming he’s male – again not sure,  don’t care) has the ability and freedom to impregnate (if he is in fact male AND fertile- again don’t know, don’t care). Just like rapists have the freedom to rape (despite consequences?) and those who commit incest are free to do so despite consequences. But after the Wilson Students for Life were allegedly DENIED the SAME treatment as the Gay-Straight Alliance with regards to poster hanging, this story made the news. Meanwhile, upwards of 20,000 POST-WOMB FETUSES struggle day to day for food and survival in Syria, while Tom Herring and the ANTI  CHOICE PROJECT plan to parade aborted fetus signs around the campus while millions of men, women and children in Syria die on the streets every day while begging for food and dodging bullets and bombs. God Bless America! Amen.

Subhuman Mongrel And His Apology

When subhuman mongrel Ted Nugent apologized today to President Obama, I got the same feeling I always get when I see or hear Mr. Nugent, and that is EMBARRASSED AS HELL TO BE AMERICAN. (To those in other nations, please know, NOT ALL AMERICANS THINK, ACT, OR LOOK (THANK GOD!!!!) LIKE MR. NUGENT).  In his half-assed apology, where Nugent calls Obama a liar and a violator of the Constitution, and makes some reference to terrorism, my embarrassment of being American was further intensified. As a known rapist, Mr. Nugent, who has BRAGGED about his sex addiction with underage girls, has not only VIOLATED laws and GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT, but has DESTROYED his OWN ARGUMENT against BANNING A FEMALE’S RIGHT TO CHOOSE by siding with sexist GOVERNOR RICK PERRY who goes out of his way to de-fund Planned Parenthood and make getting a legal abortion more and more difficult. (Must be NICE to be able to dump your sperm in the hole and then BOLT – never having to worry of the consequences thereafter GOOD OL’ BOYS! YEEE HA! CAT SCRATCH FEVER!!!) And speaking of terrorism…..check out the covers of  some of Nugent’s albums.  Nugent also discusses the need to “elevate” his vernacular when working with professional politicians. Well, I’ve elevated my vernacular by calling Ted Nugent what he is…a SUBHUMAN MONGREL. God Bless America. Amen.

Old White Guy Entitlement Once Again (Yawn)

So this Michael Dunn (45+) was convicted of killing Jordan Davis (17) and now gets 60 years in prison. But hold on! Who is the REAL VICTIM? Well, according to Michael Dunn, Michael Dunn is the victim. (LOL!) He actually has the nerve to compare himself to a rape victim because four African American TEENAGERS were blasting loud music and allegedly making fun of him (GASP! MAKING FUN OF….TEASING/TAUNTING THE GREAT WHITE MALE?!?!?) the night he took out a loaded gun and then blasted SEVERAL bullets into their vehicle and killing one of them. Then he goes on to say that he was both the VICTOR and the VICTIM in some phone call to his fiance (huh?! Bi-polar?). Hey, before anyone is whipping out their gun, there’s an idea and/or thought that goes something like this: “I’m BETTER than you and I’m gonna SHOW you what I mean motherf*****“.  And this thought/idea is developed over a lifetime and plays itself out in a split second. Rapists and murderers do this all the time. Mr. Dunn is no rape victim, but he is a murderer and a complete entitled idiot. But he STOOD HIS GROUND (Go Florida!!) (BIG MAN!!!) and now he’s grounded in prison. And so it is. Amen.

Michael Dunn smiles at his parents during a break in his trial in Jacksonville, Fla. Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2014. Dunn is charged in the shooting death of Jordan Davis in November 2012. (The Florida Times-Union, Bob Mack, Pool)

Speaking of “Looney Tunes”….

So recently it has been said that Hillary Clinton referred to Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic looney tune” . In Hilary’s defending of her cheating spouse Bill Clinton, she goes on to say other things that just make poor Hillary look like another pathetic wife who is trying DESPERATELY to SAVE her OWN EGO in some horrifically SAD attempt to trivialize her VERY STUPID husband’s extra-marital sexual exploits and his LYING about them. So sure, Lewinsky might be a NLT (Narcissistic Looney Tune) but Bill Clinton AND his enabling wife Hillary just might fall into the EXACT SAME CATEGORY.

When Hillary speaks of youth empowerment, as she did in June of 2013 at the launching of some Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton foundation initiative where she speaks of healthy kids and loving families being the building blocks of a strong society, was she A) envisioning her lying, cheating spouse getting his penis sucked by some intern while he was “married” (loving family?)  OR  B)does she just PRETEND IT DIDN’T HAPPEN AND CONTINUE TO LIE TO HERSELF that she’s in a “happy” “loving” “family” contributing to her alleged idealism of a STRONG society (where adult married men like her husband are getting blow jobs by interns and then lying about it on national television)? My guess is “B” which clearly illustrates that she would know all about narcissistic looney tunes because she seems to be one herself. God Bless America.

And This One Just Got Caught

It’s amazing anybody survives being young. Prayers to Jamie Carillo.  And according to the Daily News: “….and six counts of lewd acts on a child 14 or 15 years of age while the defendant is at least 10 years older than the victim.”

Read more:

Like I said, the only difference between this pedophile that’s getting locked up and the rest of them that are still walking around is that this one got caught.   God Bless America!

Jamie Carrillo recorded a phone call in which she confronted her former basketball coach Andrea Cardosa, who Carrillo claims sexually abused her for all of her teenage years.

How Money & Power Make Everything “Just” Fine…For Some


(Sigh). It’s always amazing to me how amazed I STILL am that this sick stuff still continues. The power of misogyny, manipulation, patriarchy, and paternalism being upheld, fortified, and glorified by the blinding glitter of the Hollywood illusion. Remember when this Woody Allen creature married his long-term girlfriend’s daughter when he was around 56 years old and she was only 19? Of course, HE saw nothing peculiar about that arrangement, and OF COURSE, they had to ADOPT two more children. He must have LOVED THAT even more. I mean, this buffer/wife of his was like his daughter for most of her life. Healthy-minded people wouldn’t even entertain the idea of crossing that familial boundary, but for creatures like Woody, I guess ANY orifice no matter who it belongs to, as long as it’s younger and more vulnerable than he is, will do. Now, in present day, his OTHER step-daughter Dylan Farrow is saying that he molested her when she was seven. (No. Really?) And of course his camp of defenders, encouragers, and enablers are calling her a liar…and probably “psycho” and “crazy” and all the other trite labels that they put on people who aren’t basking in the glow of star power. And OF COURSE  a guy who married his girlfriend’s daughter who is THIRTY SEVEN YEARS HIS JUNIOR is going to deny those “allegations”. It’s wild how our society feeds the egos of the pedophile-minded. God Bless America.

Woody Allen

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