The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Sex Addiction’

He’s NO Jackie O

If Hilary Clinton becomes the first female US President does this mean that Hill Billy Clinton (that sex addicted pig she calls her husband) will be called the First Man? (Ya’ know, like they’ve called all the presidents’ spouses the First Lady…..Michelle O, Jackie Kennedy/Onasis, Ladybird Johnson etc.) UGH. That is DISGUSTING. He has NO CLASS whatsoever. When Hilary Clinton gets up and runs her mouth about women’s issues and family values it is FAKE CITY TO THE MAXIMUM – she is the ENABLER-IN-DENIAL-QUEENimages-1. Jesus HELP US. This is all just TOO PATHETIC. God bless America. And so it is. Amen.








The OTHER Terrorism.

First off…PRAYERS TO PARIS. Seriously. But there’s another kind of terrorism that plagues the planet – these ENTITLED, STUPID, ARROGANT, POMPOUS, SEX-ADDICTED, ALCOHOLIC, DRUG ADDICTED, MISOGYNISTIC, AMERICAN MALES who REALLY believe that they are invincible and that nobody will ever get pregnant by them or will ever get a disease by them (even though they fuck 2000 hookers a day with no protection, get dick up the ass every other week, and shoot all kinds of drugs into their systems for the past 30 years and lie about their shitty sexual and alcoholic behavior over and over again and EXPECT everyone to believe their delusions). Now this Charlie Sheen loser is all in the media because he has HIV (Gasp! No! Really?!?!?) I mean, COME ON! Does anybody think he’s the ONLY drug-addicted, semen dumping, lying, pompous, STD infected loser whorring around in the entertainment business?!?! Does anybody think he’s the ONLY drug-addicted, semen dumping, lying, pompous, STD infected loser whorring around in ANY business?!?! These middle aged LOSERS all think that it’s still seventh grade and they can get away with WHATEVER with NO consequences, and all they have to do is lie, and some stupid, co-dependent, desperate idiot will be by their side no matter what. This Sheen creep actually thinks that he’s never infected anybody. Right. People wake the fuck up! Charlie Sheen is like EVERY pompous, sex-addicted, alcoholic, middle aged loser who still thinks the party is going on (while they play the “family man” role and lie their old, wrinkled faces off. Gimme a break.) God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-11images-12images-13

Ho Hum….Another One

So this Jared Fogle just got busted for raping minors over the past few years (plural) with the help and assistance of being fed more pervert fodder (some that was produced by hidden cameras in clock radios. how “lovely”) by the creep who was running his charity which was designed to “help” children. Isn’t it amazing how some misogynist perverts get caught while others just like them coast and go on to make movies with famous Hollywood directors?  Keep in mind, all this went down in good ol’ NEW YORK CITY!!!! (not Mexico, not Afghanistan, not Kenya) and this Jared creep is married with children. And so it is. God Bless America. Amen.

Jared Fogle: Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle leaves the Federal Courthouse in Indianapolis, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 following a hearing on child-pornography charges. Fogle agreed to plead guilty to allegations that he paid for sex acts with minors and received child pornography in a case that destroyed his career at the sandwich-shop chain and could send him to prison for more than a decade.

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“So Why Don’t You Have Kids”? asks the Stupid White Male.

I “love” when people, with upmost sincerity, look at me with a perplexed look on their faces and say, “So Why Don’t You Have Kids?” This particularly irks me when this, in my opinion, BEYOND ridiculous question, comes from the mouth of a clueless white male who never goes through childbirth or pregnancy a day in his life and who has had a stay-at-home “Betty Crocker” type mother – the kind who has never worked outside of the home. (I won’t NAME anybody out on this today especially if they are NOT a celebrity) (even though they THINK they are). So Carly Fiorina  doesn’t think everybody in America should get maternity leave.  Did you hear that all you parents out there? PRO LIFE advocates  (WHATEVER the fuck that means…seriously…I’m cracking up laughing right now) REALLY have this section in their brain that thinks money grows on trees. Their argument? Let the COMPANIES decide. Well, having been FIRED by MORE THAN ONE COMPANY (PLURAL. PLURAL. PLURAL) because I had to attend funeral services or near-death-experience-of-family members (while WHITE MEN discuss PLAYBOY MANSION outings and show pictures of tits on their phones in the CORPORATE environment – 30, 40, 50 year old men not teenagers) I’m really not TRUSTING  companies to look out for ANYBODY’s DAMN INTEREST ESPECIALLY the one who is going through childbirth and pregnancy while her counterpart is discussing Playboy Mansion outings and whacking off to tits on his phone. Not to mention the absolute and blatant discrimination of workers in this country who CHOOSE NOT to breed. I mean, it’s ridiculous. And so it is. God Bless America. Amen. CHILDBIRTH PUSHING Pervert Meme - I'M NOT ALWAYS A PERVERT... BUT WHEN I AM...DAMN, BITCH, LOOK AT DAT ASS! The Most Interesting Man In The World    

The “Christian” Comedy Alliance

So, recently a bunch of cartoonists in Europe were mercilessly slaughtered for poking fun at religion. Horrible, right? Gross. But today, I came across some of the BEST and probably unintentional (or maybe COMPLETELY INTENTIONAL) pieces of satire I’ve read in quite some time. Some guy most people have never heard of until now (of course) wrote some article about the “gay agenda” (too funny!) that is being “crammed” down our throats via television – and no, this writer wasn’t even referring to the “Bill Clinton hanging out with the pedophile thing” either (talk about AGENDA – wish good ol’ Hillbilly Clinton would get some sex-addiction therapy QUICKLY ! but…we know…we know….HE “doesn’t” have a “problem” – that’s just the way THEM good ol’ boys are! Yeee Ha!). (Insert Banjo Music) But I digress…..So this “Christian” writer talks of the…get ready now….”EVILS” (lol!) of Ellen DeGeneres and her “GAY AGENDA” and lists the ALTERNATIVES to that “evil”. Here are two that made the “Christian” “alternatives to evil” (lol!) list:

1) Gunsmoke : a 1950’s/1960-ish television show whereby one of the main characters is a PROSTITUTE/MADAM who “services” (wink wink) married men or unmarried men (gotta SOW THOSE WILD OATS BOYS! YEE HA!).  Evil Agenda? “Hey all you horny cowboys who can’t control your dick – while your sperm-dumping- receptacle (aka “fruitful vine”, “wife”) is home cooking and cleaning and minding your offspring, you can pleasure yourselves with a few drinks at the saloon and then receive a nice “happy ending” with one of our whores upstairs.”  Now that’s some “Christian” Family Entertainment right there!  (PS – in real life the lady who played the main Madam/Prostitute character died of AIDS having been MARRIED to a man who was GAY (yup!).)


2) The Fugitive: Really? Jesus promoted cigarette smoking and revenge?

God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Amanda Blake "Gunsmoke" Kitty Russell


Still of David Janssen in The Fugitive (1963)

Georgia Fried Nuts

Oh Lordie Lord Lord. As “good”, “Christian” ,”family values”, IT worker Justin Ross Harris was getting his rocks off sexting photos to teenaged girls  his NOT EVEN 2 YEAR OLD SON literally melted to death in the back of the car that his FATHER locked him in for several hours in the hot Georgia sun.

These SPERM DUMPERS and their TWISTED VALUES  (my DICK is NUMBER ONE PRIORITY! ) need to FRY.  Put this LOSER’s balls in the DEEP FRYER and crank it on full throttle ’til his skin fries off the bone. Then put the rest of him in.  These kind of people make me sick. And so it is. Amen.

Globe PF10E 10 lb Stainless Steel Light Duty Electric Countertop Fryer


Cultural Support and Minimizing Abuse

Ariel Castro got officially sentenced today. Thanks to Judge Russo and all of the legal professionals who brought this atrocity against three young girls, their families, their friends, and an entire community to a legal close. But let’s not kid ourselves. Ariel Castro is an extreme case of one of the major ills of society – violence and rape against women and children. And the ENTITLEMENT mentality that these victims DESERVED, ASKED FOR, and/or ENJOYED their abuses, is just BEYOND WORDS and beyond being a human being as far as I’m  concerned (it’s a downgrade to a FUNGUS).  A few days ago I read some posting on Facebook from some under 35 white guy who made the flippant comment, “Porn is just acting”. Sure it’s “just” acting when you’re not the girl getting raped on camera repeatedly so that some LOSER who HATES WOMEN BUT CAN”T EVEN GET TO A POINT WHERE HE CAN EVEN ADMIT IT can satisfy HIS sexual needs. The problem with the “oh it’s JUST porn” attitude, is that it’s NOT “JUST” porn. There are SERIOUS, LONG TERM ramifications to it, for both the actors AND the end users. It DE-SENSITIZES people. It has created a society of DESENSITIZED people, a DESENSITIZED culture. It commodifies human beings. Anyone can justify. Anyone can make excuses.  But cause and effect is impersonal. There’s no moral stance from my perspective. In fact, looking purely at numbers, the porn industry makes financial sense from the business point of view. But from the emotional, physical, social, and spiritual point of view there’s no denying that there are consequences. And to say that porn doesn’t have a male domination over female submission aspect to it is just plain LYING. GET REAL. I’m not just saying this because I know former adult entertainers personally. You don’t need a Phd from Harvard to figure it out. And the folks I’ve acquainted myself with who have porn addictions? They’re NOT balanced, care-free folk that the masses are flocking to. Seriously.  In fact, not ONE person is going near them. (YUCK). The difference between Ariel Castro and every other misogynist loser (whether it be a songwriter/singer singing about RAPING 14 year old girls, a politician who uses females to satisfy his own ego driven appetite, a pornographer “just looking to make some money” or any other crud that justifies their dominance over another who is it a lesser advantage than they) is that Castro took his sick fantasies into reality a hundred fold. Instead of getting TREATMENT that he OBVIOUSLY DESPERATELY NEEDED, he CHOSE to ignore his problem, thus creating a world of LIVING HELL for those involved and those in his community. Don’t think Mr. Castro is alone. Our sick, twisted, American culture HELPS him and THOSE LIKE HIM. The enablers choose to turn the other cheek, and if I hear, “oh boys will be boys – that’s just the way men are” or “I’m a GUY I can’t help it” one more time, there’s a high probability that I may verbally assault the unfortunate moron who might utter those idiotic phrases. Enough is enough. Lame excuses don’t work. If you need mental health treatment, if you need a support group, if you need to FIX yourself, get help now. (You went online for your damn porn addiction…now go online and find sex addiction treatment to FIX it. Stop being a LAZY dumb-ass who thinks the world owes you something). If you don’t get treatment, it will only get worse and you may end up as FAT and UGLY and REPULSIVE as Ariel Castro and then NOBODY will want your fat, smelly, disgusting self. The same goes for the chicks that suffer from this crap. That’s all for now. Start Prayin’. Peace and Blessings. And so it is. Amen.

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