The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Molestation’

Like Father Like Daughter

So Ms. Lena Dunham and her privileged New York area celebrity self is now in some hot water for writing about putting pebbles in her sister’s vagina back in the day. Daddy Dunham put MORE than pebbles in other people’s vaginas….and now we have more of his kind writing stupid things (Yippie!). Ah….to live off the trust fund and paint and write and shoot sperm into holes………God Bless America. Amen.

Lena Dunham strips for ‘SNL’

Man in underwear

Law Suits and “Friends” LOL

Isn’t it funny how you learn about how people REALLY are when it’s too late? I mean, Adam Corolla had to find out the hard way with recent events. Boy, can I feel his pain. People are a trip! Take Paris Petrick for example. She’s the “famous” (lol!) hairstylist of ONE star (according to some bio on the internet. whatever.) and she was STUPID enough to work for MINIMUM WAGE as a casting associate on some horrible Kevin Smith films (you know, the Smith movies where everyone looks really ugly on the screen). This dizzy skank Paris Petrick was my “friend” (ahem) for many years, until it dawned on me (yeah, I’m SLOW, or TOO FORGIVING) the hard way. This “Daddy Issues” “Parasite” Petrick (her bio daddy jetted after knocking up eight other broads across the country and then the “stable” father figure who “raised” her turned out to be a closet homo who died from AIDS) had the unmitigated GALL to post a public photo of me on Facebook that was taken by her perverted, sexual harassing-self back in 1990 when she got myself and some other girls into stripping at some of the seediest clubs low-class New Jersey and Staten Island New York has ever seen. (Yo!) Yeah, we were shoe-ins. When your “friend” Paris Petrick gets on her knees and blows seventy five percent of the sub-phylum underworld club owners and managers (while she’s “married”. Hysterical, right?), yeah, you can get booked any time you want without having to look like Pamela Anderson or perform sexual favors yourself –  because Paris Petrick has already done it for you! (Remember that part where I said she was STUPID). Now, if I wasn’t up for full time public school teaching jobs at the time she posted the risque photo (and she knew I was looking for a full time teaching gig at that juncture) maybe it wouldn’t have wrecked my entire teaching career and caused me to lose tens of thousands of dollars and receive undue stress. But since Paris Petrick is not only a dumb skank that blows seedy New Jersey go go bar owners and sleeps with them while she’s married, she’s also a VINDICTIVE dumb skank that blows seedy New Jersey go go bar owners and sleeps with them while she’s married, and then, after her FIRST husband catches on her to her manipulation (yeah, he was EVEN SLOWER than me!!) Paris Petrick….get ready to laugh even harder now…”marries” (I told you it was going to be funny) ANOTHER guy. But because her Daddy Issues are SO advanced, Paris Petrick has to make certain that Idiot #2 is a good earner AND RELIGIOUSLY conditioned. THIS way, she won’t HAVE to give head or sleep with seedy New Jersey go go bar owners or managers. But there’s one minor caveat and one she really wasn’t planning on. Idiot #2 wanted a MALE HEIR!!!!!!!!!!! And since his “Fruitful Vine”’s vine has been rotted out since it’s so old and scraped out so many times, she CAN’T CONCEIVE and he might (GASP!!!!!!) LEAVE HER !!!!!!!! (This is where the dumb skank Paris Petrick really freaks out. Her Daddy Issues go into overdrive). So, it’s off to IN VITRO LAND she goes! Gotta get those shots!  Gotta get MORE chemicals pumped into her ALREADY CHEMICALLY INDUCED body (not one, but TWO hideous breast augmentations, fake bleached blonde hair since junior high, other forms of gone-bad plastic surgery, etc.) so that she can PRODUCE WHITE MALE OFFSPRING !!!!!!!!!!! (Hear choir of angels !!!!!) Oh Thank you SO much for putting ANOTHER entitled self-absorbed CHEMICALLY induced white male on our planet. Thank you SO, SO much. It’s not like there are any unwanted children wandering around. (If I have ANY knowledge that her offspring is at the mall, the movie theater or the kindergarten any time twenty years from now, I will be SO OUT OF THERE it’s not even funny. Hopefully they’ll have the gun control thing handled by then.) So yeah, Adam Corolla, I feel you brother. My attorneys and I understand your pain more than you know. Hang in there. And so it is. Amen.

PS: Napa Valley is the new South Central Los Angeles. Can’t you tell? (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!)Blessings and more Blessings. Amen.

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