The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Breeder Superiority Complex’

Who CARES that you’re breeding AGAIN?!

Why do these celebrity women and their handlers feel SO compelled to let the WHOLE WORLD know that they’re breeding AGAIN while there are countless other people who don’t even have a place to live? Most people took a dump in the toilet too. Do we get photos of that? (thank God NO) SICK of these airbrushed, photoshopped, plastic-surgery induced photos of “oh look how OLD I am YET I have the abs of a 12 year old- that’s AFTER I popped out SEVEN kids!” While there are TOO MANY homeless people. TOO MANY people who don’t have ENOUGH. And these semen dumping men(WAY too old to be procreating) who keep on knocking these broads up – THINK…… FOR ONCE!!! Give it a rest already! NOBODY really cares about your entitled, BREEDING life. OVERKILL. GO AWAY! And So It Is. God Bless America. AMEN.

Entitled breeders who believe the universe revolves around them (above).

Reality. (Above).

Fake. Fake. Fake. (Below)

Airbrushed. Plastic Surgery. Professional Lighting. Narcissism. “Hey Girls! Your Worth is Based on Your Looks ONLY! Don’t you WISH you were ME?!” (Above)

A Dog’s Butt Looks Better Than Felicity Huffman’s Face and Soul

When someone is UGLY on the inside, they are automatically UGLY on the outside. Take this hideous, scandalous, leather faced, CRIMINAL – Felicity Huffman. (with really HORRID plastic surgery by the way…seriously Felicity? With all your money that’s the best plastic surgery you could get?!?) Calling this broad a dog would be a compliment. Jesus! It’s amazing the movie cameras still work after filming her! And she’s SO freaking ENTITLED too. Disgusting. Horrible. Pathetic. Hey SAT writers! Add a NEW analogy to the test: Example: spoiled rich entitled LAZY brats are to the elite Hollywood crowd: the aesthetics of Felicity Huffman’s face are to

a) a dog’s anus

b) a bad make up day for Caitlyn Jenner

c) the lead character in the movie Mask

d) ALL OF THE ABOVE. Her face would break every mirror in the prison. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

GROSS! YUCK! (*Warning: Don’t eat while you view this hideous broad’s face- may cause sickness)
Woof! Damn. I thought I was ugly! Compared to her I should be on the cover of Vogue! Woof!

The “Good” The “Bad” The UGLY

Jesus. I mean really. JESUS. Female bodies are ALWAYS the topic of controversy dictated by the perceptions of  what MALES (and some females’)  THINK a female is supposed to be, while males (I know, not ALL but so many) just let it all hang out – sometimes LITERALLY. (What’s that you say? You’re TIRED of hearing about the injustices? The “whining”?) Well GUESS WHAT? I’m EXHAUSTED from the imbalance too. Take this Octomom/Natalie Suleman chick. She’s DONE with the STRIPPING (ooooh. “BAD”, “BAD”, “BAD” thing that STRIPPING). But when she wants to (or any woman for that matter wants to) risk their life going through pregnancy and childbirth you know SUFFER!!!!! (women MUST SUFFER – that’s what you are put here to do women – SUFFER! it’s all “GOOD”!!!!! (awwwww how “beautiful” having your body stretched out to Kingdom Come while the male just kicks back and hits the STRIP CLUB (“BAD”), the porn, sticks his HPV infected dick into any hole that he wants it to go into (Hi Bill Clinton- Hope Hilary’s Pneumonia is getting better). AND THESE STUPID CRO-MAGNON MEN WHO THINK ALL WOMEN ARE JUST DYING TO HAVE THAT WAD OF SEMEN PARKED INTO THEIR UTERUS AND THAT’S ALL  EVERY WOMAN ON PLANET EARTH LIVES FOR (Having BABIES!!!!!) – to those men – please go directly to hell. Thank you.  Then there’s this MATERNITY LEAVE controversy which to me isn’t a controversy – come up with a way for MEN to get pregnant and we will NEVER HAVE to WORRY ABOUT WARS OR TERRORISM EVER AGAIN, as certain males are always the FIRST ones to WHINE about “injustice” and “being taken advantage of” as CHILDLESS women (GASP! GASP! GOD FORBID!!!!!!!!!) are oftentimes perceived by those on both sides of the fence as carefree and my “favorite”…. SELFISH while many of these self-serving breeders USE their offspring as BUFFER/COVER-UPS to alleviate the guilt of their OWN irresponsible past behaviors they embarked upon on a regular basis LIKE DRIVING DRUNK, CRASHING CARS INTO TREES, DEALING DRUGS, WORKING FOR THE WORLD PEDOPHILE ORGANIZATION (aka the ROMAN catholi-ICK church), GOSSIPING etc. etc. etc………but GOD FORBID somebody’s a STRIPPER!!!! OH NO!!!!! (AS IF the strippers put AK-47’s to mens’ heads and FORCED them to go to the strip clubs). Gimme a break. UGLY. UGLY. UGLY. Ugly Americans.***PS to all the SINGLE fathers out there who sacrifice EVERYTHING for your kids -although I never met one of you in my entire life – this doesn’t apply to you. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.pregnancy-health-risks-written-pregnant-tummy-18884806slutshaming2_3imgres

“Being PUSHED in faces……”

LOL. That’s all I can say. So these women on some Dallas talk show got into a heated debate over an NFL gay football player kissing his boyfriend on ESPN. This blonde woman is upset because according to her it’s being “pushed in faces”. Right (AHEM). So the Nazi regime breaks into her home at night, holds a gun to her silky blonde head and says, “Turn on TV now. Watch gay people!” I mean, it’s not like nearly every commercial historically  has shoved the “family values” “nuclear family” agenda down our throats since the beginning of television or anything .(ie. “euphoric females doing the dishes, serving their husbands and kids with either housecleaning or food because they’re SO happy to be the sacrificial martyr/slave” – just watch commercials from the 60’s through the 80’s -hell- even today! I’ve never seen SO many JOY FILLED women on TV scrubbing toilet bowls….GIMME A BREAK!) YET, THOSE OF US WHO DON’T WANT TO WATCH IT, do this really, highly evolved, progressive thing….it’s called….DON”T LOOK!  I just hope for this blonde woman’s sake (who evidently can’t handle watching gay men kiss) that her PRECIOUS OFFSPRING isn’t homosexual (GASP!!!) or she might be in some SERIOUS trouble. And so it is. GOD BLESS AMERICA. AMEN.




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