The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Archive for September, 2015

The Magic Vagina & “Logic”

So this idiot I was involved with (NO longer. THANK GOD. ALLELUIAH !) couldn’t understand why his baby-mamma HATED his guts and was suing the living be-Jesus out of him despite fact that he called baby-mamma really “nice” names like “V-legs” and completely BLAMED HER for HIS current custody war. His thick,Neanderthal skull seriously believes in the magic, free-sex, no-pregnancy pussy. I asked him this once: So did you have a vasectomy? Did you ever use protection? His response?  “Well SHE never got pregnant before.” (Yup. The “logic”. And they gave this guy a college degree. Lord. Help. Us.) Fast forward to yesterday’s disturbing news of the murdered baby Bella Bond.…….this poor baby was brought into this sick world by ANOTHER SEMEN DUMPING, IRRESPONSIBLE NEANDERTHAL with that same “logic” mentioned above. This Joe Amoroso creature deposits his load into a heroin/Class A addicted prostitute,  while homeless with no money, then SPLITS, NEVER meets the baby, BUT when CAMERAS are ROLLING….. he

prostitute1 puts on his VICTIM FACE, and BLAMES the baby’s neighbors for her demise. Oh yeah….that “logic” again. And they want to defund Planned Parenthood? God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-1


Dem Moose Limbs….

Lord give me strength. In typical, ignorant, barely articulate speech, this guy at a New Hampshire (a state known for widespread heroin addiction nowadays) Donald Trump rally, gets up and asks Trump how “we” (gotta love it. “WE” LOL are going to get RID of THEM). See, this us versus them, black versus white, Christian versus Muslim, etc., etc., etc., is the stuff that the Holocaust was made of. It’s called CRO MAGNON brain – and unfortunately, many people are still in the cave man era. I won’t mention any names. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.


Natural Law According to Who?

Rick Santorum is an IDIOT. They gave this moron a law degree? He actually believes that we’re supposed to go AGAINST Supreme Court decisions – like the gay marriage LAW. That’s LAW Mr. Santorum. This imbecile puts Dr. Martin Luther King’s breaking of civil disobedience law in the same sentence with that nutcase Kim Davis’s PERSONAL OPINION of gay marriage. So essentially he is saying that religion SHOULD dictate government. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT RADICAL ISLAMISTS DO!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.Rick_Santorum_by_Gage_Skidmore_8imgresimages

Geriatric Men From New York….

…..somehow often seem to think RAPE is so funny. It’s always the lowest common denominator types, the ones who had their hey day when that archaic television show Solid Gold (LOL!) was popular, and now they are ANCIENT history, and most people could give less of a shit about them. Like this Damon Wayans idiot. Oh yeah, this loser – (those “bitches” aren’t “rape-able” according to him) – what a  freakin’ knee slapper. Ha. Ha. I mean, what GRADE is this idiot in? (And we’re worried about ISIS?!?!?) But, if anybody says ANYTHING negative about black men around Mr. “Geriatric” Wayans…oh LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT! Wow. The let-down after the fame wave must be ROUGH, like a gigantic THUD (think dropping a cinder block through the bottom of the floor with NO WAY back up). Pitiful. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.200px-2007_Damon_Wayans_crop_01searchimgres

Kentucky Fried Thinking

This Kim Davis, a government employee, who has a salary funded by American tax paying citizens does not want to issue a marriage license to a gay couple because it goes against her religious beliefs.  Has she read LUKE 6:37 “Do not judge and you will not be judged..” Is she a vegetarian? If not, she has some SERIOUS explaining to do when it comes to the 10 Commandments. Innocent, living creatures under God being MERCILESSLY SLAUGHTERED to help fuel obesity and line the pockets of irresponsible greed-mongers who care nothing for the environment. That, is the REAL SIN. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-2images-1imgres

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