The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Murder’

The Magic Vagina & “Logic”

So this idiot I was involved with (NO longer. THANK GOD. ALLELUIAH !) couldn’t understand why his baby-mamma HATED his guts and was suing the living be-Jesus out of him despite fact that he called baby-mamma really “nice” names like “V-legs” and completely BLAMED HER for HIS current custody war. His thick,Neanderthal skull seriously believes in the magic, free-sex, no-pregnancy pussy. I asked him this once: So did you have a vasectomy? Did you ever use protection? His response?  “Well SHE never got pregnant before.” (Yup. The “logic”. And they gave this guy a college degree. Lord. Help. Us.) Fast forward to yesterday’s disturbing news of the murdered baby Bella Bond.…….this poor baby was brought into this sick world by ANOTHER SEMEN DUMPING, IRRESPONSIBLE NEANDERTHAL with that same “logic” mentioned above. This Joe Amoroso creature deposits his load into a heroin/Class A addicted prostitute,  while homeless with no money, then SPLITS, NEVER meets the baby, BUT when CAMERAS are ROLLING….. he

prostitute1 puts on his VICTIM FACE, and BLAMES the baby’s neighbors for her demise. Oh yeah….that “logic” again. And they want to defund Planned Parenthood? God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-1


Kentucky Fried Thinking

This Kim Davis, a government employee, who has a salary funded by American tax paying citizens does not want to issue a marriage license to a gay couple because it goes against her religious beliefs.  Has she read LUKE 6:37 “Do not judge and you will not be judged..” Is she a vegetarian? If not, she has some SERIOUS explaining to do when it comes to the 10 Commandments. Innocent, living creatures under God being MERCILESSLY SLAUGHTERED to help fuel obesity and line the pockets of irresponsible greed-mongers who care nothing for the environment. That, is the REAL SIN. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-2images-1imgres

And Then…More White Male Entitlement! RIP Sandra Bland

Hope you are as sick of me writing about white male entitlement as I am seeing it. Sandra Bland the 28 year old black female who was on her way to her new job driving by herself to Texas (Rick Perry Land – ie. dump the semen in the hole somebody else risks their life going through pregnancy, childbirth (70 hours of off the charts labor pains, vaginal tearing, etc.) and postpartum depression even if they are RAPED- I mean I’m nowhere near Texas and it makes me nervous) allegedly hung herself in jail after this HEE HAW GUN TOTING MISOGYNIST officer of the law pulled a gun on her, threw her down and displayed the kind of antics usually reserved for DEA agents capturing international drug cartels on the run (actually, I think they treat those guys a little better). Anyway, Sandra Bland was SITTING IN HER CAR. HOT SHOT GUN TOTING ARMED WHITE MALE was STANDING ABOVE her. Bland got mouthy when hot shot cop said to her in the most CONDESCENDING TONE (subtext: he did’t actually say this, however his TONE conveyed…This N***** bitch should be home scrubbing my floors or cleaning my house) “Can you put out your cigarette?” STILL SITTING IN HER CAR UNARMED ZERO THREAT Bland said “Why do I have to put out my cigarette?” GASP!!!!!!!!! GASP!!!!!!!!!! GASP!!!!!!!!! GASP !!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHERE THE WHITE MALE MISOGYNIST BRAIN GOES CRAZY. This is where the white male entitlement mind can’t handle anymore information in its ONE brain cell. The ONE BRAIN CELL thinks: (@#!!!!*&%%$#@!@#$%&^%$#@!@#$%^&*!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She should be sucking my dick!!!!! She should be cleaning my house!!!!!!!! She should be kissing my feet!!!!!!! I have a dick!!!!!!! I have a dick !!!!!!!!!! I have a dick!!!!!!!! I have a gun!!!!!! I have a gun!!!!!!! I have a gun!!!!!!!!  And then the ONE BRAIN cell sends signals to the white male’s arm and he reaches for the car door where Bland is SITTING UNARMED BENEATH HIM (beneath him…..that’s the way he likes it) and he IS GONNA SHOW THIS “BLACK BITCH” WHO IS BOSS (Springsteen is The Boss not this gun totin’ jackass) and he reaches down into the car to GRAB and ASSAULT this unarmed black female and then, like the typical ARMED ENTITLED WHITE MALE, he whips out his gun again to SHOW THAT HE’S THE MAN!!!!!!!  Meanwhile Bill Cosby drugged and raped a minimum of 40 women over the course of a few decades according to recent accounts and depositions……and Sandra Bland is dead after being assaulted by a police officer for failing to put on her turn signal. This is just one incident. Others like them have not even made the news. And so it is. God Bless America. Amen. ***troopers/cops/police officers – whatever they’re called

Dangerous to Question Authority


Trump & Dem Boyz From New Yawk

Oh Praise Jesus in Heaven that I got the HELL out of that Mafia-Infested-Drug-Addled-Misogynist-Shit-Hole also known as the New York/New Jersey Tri State Area. (Glory to God. Alleluiah!) That MYOPIC old-white-guy thinking that Mr. Trump DISPLAYS so VIVIDLY, is a TESTAMENT to the DISDAIN I have for that neck of the woods (and the misogynist ape mentality, and that “protect the great white male” enabler mentality that comes from it).  Trump talks about Hispanic rapists? Mr. Trump – it’s time to take a good, long, INVESTIGATIVE look at certain American Born White Men who drug and rape teenaged girls, sing songs about raping teenaged girls, and then make movies with ZERO accountability  (for rape) from the  help of all their ENABLERS, FAMILY MEMBERS, RAPE ENDORSERS and other funder/helpers who work at DISNEY, other domestic companies and MAYBE even the NYPD (LOL!!!!!!).  That’s right Mr. Trump. White, American, Misogynist MEN FROM NEW  YORK (Your very own HOME town!) who RAPE teenaged girls and NEVER go to jail (With their DOOR MAT enabler-leaning-post significant others standing by their side- Awwww. How “family values”). Hope any person around the rapist-pedophile-drug addicted-misogynist creeps mentioned in this (not Donald Trump) have a body camera and all their disease-immunization shots because the people listed in this post have diseases swimming around in their blood that medical science has not even come up with the names for yet. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen. 5 Presidential Traits That Donald Trump Is Missing Phil Allocco Picture Two suspected mob bosses kiss each other in a show of loyalty. The image comes from surveillance footage from the operation released by Italian police

They Just HATE it when……….

………an educated black woman has power and calls the whole misogynist-bully-white-male-privilege system for what it is (I know, I know there was a female involved in the latest high profile murder of a black man but I’m talking about the SYSTEM). I mean the FRATERNAL (BROTHERHOOD!) order of police wants her to recuse herself? (Gotta “LOVE” the hypocrisy! Hey Ferguson Police Department- Hey NYPD Police Department! Did you all hear that?! They don’t want a conflict of interest!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The old white guy regime likes it so much better when the “bitches” just keep shut their mouths when they get raped and when the “nigg+++” just put their head down and say “Yes Mass’ uh” when they’re spoken to. (George W. Bush NEVER did drugs or alcohol EVER. LOL!!!!)  My, my, what IS this world coming to?! And so it is. Amen. Marilyn Mosby Misogyny Klaxon

Glamorized Cavemen Suck

It’s horrible enough that glamorized, misogynist apes who beat their wives and murder people are running down football fields getting paid millions of dollars by the flocks of brain-dead sheep that patronize them, but then there’s the narcissistic props that feed into and assist them with their overrated sense of self-importance. Enter Britt McHenry ! She’s the “ever-so-classy” ESPN sports reporter that I never heard of until this morning. Evidently, she had to pay a tow fine (a BIG problem in her little world) and had to CONDESCENDINGLY inform the tow attendant that SHE is ON TELEVISION!  (oooooh….ahhhh!) It’s wild how she gets suspended for verbal confrontation, yet these wife-beating-murderers are allotted AMPLE room, and get-out-of-jail-passes for heinous, criminal behavior over and over and over. It “ONLY” took Aaron Hernandez THREE murders before anything was done.  Again….this is yet another reason why I don’t patronize sports. God Bless America. Amen.

Britt McHenry 2011.jpg

Stand-out: Rice has been a star player for the Ravens ever since he was drafted in the second round of the 2008 draft. Prior to that, he played for Rutgers University Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez is already jailed, awaiting trial in the killing of Odin Lloyd in June.


He had “nothing” to do with it. “Right”.

Roughly sixty three years AFTER the Holocaust, they finally track down and find this former Nazi guard in Pennsylvania who OF COURSE says that HE had NOTHING to do with the murder of MILLIONS of people.  “Right”. “JUST” doing his job! And so it is. Amen.




Your Body KNOWS……….

So today marks the 20th Anniversary of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman’s murder. Convicted domestic abuser OJ Simpson managed to escape prison after his verdict was read “not guilty” in the famous televised trial that invaded television not too long after that ill fated day. Although, Mr. Simpson managed to get himself a nice 33 year long prison sentence in 2008 for unrelated criminality.  Earlier this year, Mr. Simpson begged to be released due to  alleged BRAIN CANCER. Interestingly and/or coincidentally, Johnny Cochran, OJ’s defense attorney, died from a BRAIN TUMOR.  

See, what these megalomaniac, narcissistic types don’t realize is this: You can lie to everybody around you, you may even get away with it and pull the wool over the eyes of many…..but in the end…..when you LIE like hell, your PHYSIOLOGY catches up with you BIG TIME……and I for one, will NOT be shedding a tear for them. Karma is….truly…….a BITCH. And so it is. AMEN. AMEN….and AMEN.


Who Needs Enemies With Family Like This

So this 3 months pregnant Farzana Praveen got stoned to death (not high, rocks bashed into her head) by 28 members of her own family, including father and brothers, because she didn’t want to marry the guy they picked for her. And the cops just stood by and let it happen. In other news, the Santa Barbara deputies knew about recent mass murderer Elliot Rodger’s you tube video where he goes on and on about hating women, but they didn’t watch it until AFTER he murdered several innocent people. Any PARALLELS here? Hmmmmm. And so it is. Amen.

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