The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Domestic Violence’

Who CARES that you’re breeding AGAIN?!

Why do these celebrity women and their handlers feel SO compelled to let the WHOLE WORLD know that they’re breeding AGAIN while there are countless other people who don’t even have a place to live? Most people took a dump in the toilet too. Do we get photos of that? (thank God NO) SICK of these airbrushed, photoshopped, plastic-surgery induced photos of “oh look how OLD I am YET I have the abs of a 12 year old- that’s AFTER I popped out SEVEN kids!” While there are TOO MANY homeless people. TOO MANY people who don’t have ENOUGH. And these semen dumping men(WAY too old to be procreating) who keep on knocking these broads up – THINK…… FOR ONCE!!! Give it a rest already! NOBODY really cares about your entitled, BREEDING life. OVERKILL. GO AWAY! And So It Is. God Bless America. AMEN.

Entitled breeders who believe the universe revolves around them (above).

Reality. (Above).

Fake. Fake. Fake. (Below)

Airbrushed. Plastic Surgery. Professional Lighting. Narcissism. “Hey Girls! Your Worth is Based on Your Looks ONLY! Don’t you WISH you were ME?!” (Above)

“A TOUGH time for HIM………”

……says Donald “grab ’em by the pussy” Trump, about former White House staff secretary Rob Porter. Trumpty Dumpty goes on to say, “…..hopefully he has a GREAT career ahead of him.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m all “broken up” (rolling eyes) about “poor”, “poor”, “poor”, ol’ Rob Porter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Actually, there is one industry that would REALLY love to have Mr. Porter come on board for his “new”, “GREAT!”, “career”. That’s an industry where glamorizing rape, misogyny, and domestic violence, is COMMON. In fact, should one argue against the “boys will be boys”, “it’s just locker talk” ideology, one is just brushed to the side and considered to be “crazy”. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.



Crappy Days. YO!!!

Scott Baio really puts the stamp on the DUMB, Brooklyn-bred LOSER stereotype. Duh. Duh. Duh. “Ladies” he says of SEXUAL ASSAULT BRAGGING ” ‘Dis iz how guys TAWK“. Duh. Duh. Duh. Yo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He thinks he “represents” ALL -that’s ALL – men and the way “they” (according to HIM) talk. How TYPICALLY ARROGANT. The dumb ape REALLY believes that he will NEVER go through a divorce (LOL!!!). What a “great” role model for his daughters. And then he’s filling out police reports when people around him are upset. What a SPOILED BABY he is. That’s what happens when POPULARITY is OVER at 21 years of age. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.unknown-4unknown-3unknown-5

Straight Outta Queens

Radicalized New Yorkers. Sheer Terror. Born in Queens, New York, USA. Sheer Terror.

“Born down in a dead man’s town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
End up like a dog that’s been beat too much
Till you spend half your life just covering up
Born in the U.S.A., I was born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A., born in the U.S.A.
Got in a little hometown jam
So they put a rifle in my hand……”

-From Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen

God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-2


“Justifiable” Addiction and Violence

So the spotlight on that ever-so-present subject the GREAT WHITE MALE (that oh-so-special- kind-of-GREAT-WHITE-MALE) has been focused in recent days on Mr. Track Palin who recently socked his girlfriend while brandishing an AR-15 after his alleged “protecting and serving” us in the military (Hey, thanks Track.) . But I guess in Alaska things might be a bit different than living in an urban metropolis, and one might need an AR-15 propped up in the closet – I mean, in between swigs of alcohol and punching one’s s significant other in the face, some might say, the AR-15 is quite necessary…..even “justifiable”! But if it’s his girlfriend using it? (laughter) Then it’s “murder”! But when he’s using it, it’s “protecting and serving”.   (See how this shit works.)imagesimages-2
images-1Let’s take a look at the recent decision of six cops in Cleveland getting firedNone of those cops EVER sipped alcohol a DAY in their lives, right? (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)….and they never drove drunk EVER, right? (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Wow. Gotta LOVE it. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

The Magic Vagina & “Logic”

So this idiot I was involved with (NO longer. THANK GOD. ALLELUIAH !) couldn’t understand why his baby-mamma HATED his guts and was suing the living be-Jesus out of him despite fact that he called baby-mamma really “nice” names like “V-legs” and completely BLAMED HER for HIS current custody war. His thick,Neanderthal skull seriously believes in the magic, free-sex, no-pregnancy pussy. I asked him this once: So did you have a vasectomy? Did you ever use protection? His response?  “Well SHE never got pregnant before.” (Yup. The “logic”. And they gave this guy a college degree. Lord. Help. Us.) Fast forward to yesterday’s disturbing news of the murdered baby Bella Bond.…….this poor baby was brought into this sick world by ANOTHER SEMEN DUMPING, IRRESPONSIBLE NEANDERTHAL with that same “logic” mentioned above. This Joe Amoroso creature deposits his load into a heroin/Class A addicted prostitute,  while homeless with no money, then SPLITS, NEVER meets the baby, BUT when CAMERAS are ROLLING….. he

prostitute1 puts on his VICTIM FACE, and BLAMES the baby’s neighbors for her demise. Oh yeah….that “logic” again. And they want to defund Planned Parenthood? God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-1


And Then…More White Male Entitlement! RIP Sandra Bland

Hope you are as sick of me writing about white male entitlement as I am seeing it. Sandra Bland the 28 year old black female who was on her way to her new job driving by herself to Texas (Rick Perry Land – ie. dump the semen in the hole somebody else risks their life going through pregnancy, childbirth (70 hours of off the charts labor pains, vaginal tearing, etc.) and postpartum depression even if they are RAPED- I mean I’m nowhere near Texas and it makes me nervous) allegedly hung herself in jail after this HEE HAW GUN TOTING MISOGYNIST officer of the law pulled a gun on her, threw her down and displayed the kind of antics usually reserved for DEA agents capturing international drug cartels on the run (actually, I think they treat those guys a little better). Anyway, Sandra Bland was SITTING IN HER CAR. HOT SHOT GUN TOTING ARMED WHITE MALE was STANDING ABOVE her. Bland got mouthy when hot shot cop said to her in the most CONDESCENDING TONE (subtext: he did’t actually say this, however his TONE conveyed…This N***** bitch should be home scrubbing my floors or cleaning my house) “Can you put out your cigarette?” STILL SITTING IN HER CAR UNARMED ZERO THREAT Bland said “Why do I have to put out my cigarette?” GASP!!!!!!!!! GASP!!!!!!!!!! GASP!!!!!!!!! GASP !!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHERE THE WHITE MALE MISOGYNIST BRAIN GOES CRAZY. This is where the white male entitlement mind can’t handle anymore information in its ONE brain cell. The ONE BRAIN CELL thinks: (@#!!!!*&%%$#@!@#$%&^%$#@!@#$%^&*!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She should be sucking my dick!!!!! She should be cleaning my house!!!!!!!! She should be kissing my feet!!!!!!! I have a dick!!!!!!! I have a dick !!!!!!!!!! I have a dick!!!!!!!! I have a gun!!!!!! I have a gun!!!!!!! I have a gun!!!!!!!!  And then the ONE BRAIN cell sends signals to the white male’s arm and he reaches for the car door where Bland is SITTING UNARMED BENEATH HIM (beneath him…..that’s the way he likes it) and he IS GONNA SHOW THIS “BLACK BITCH” WHO IS BOSS (Springsteen is The Boss not this gun totin’ jackass) and he reaches down into the car to GRAB and ASSAULT this unarmed black female and then, like the typical ARMED ENTITLED WHITE MALE, he whips out his gun again to SHOW THAT HE’S THE MAN!!!!!!!  Meanwhile Bill Cosby drugged and raped a minimum of 40 women over the course of a few decades according to recent accounts and depositions……and Sandra Bland is dead after being assaulted by a police officer for failing to put on her turn signal. This is just one incident. Others like them have not even made the news. And so it is. God Bless America. Amen. ***troopers/cops/police officers – whatever they’re called

Dangerous to Question Authority


White Heritage? Please Speak For Your Damn Self.

Today a black woman crawled up a flag pole down South to take down the Confederate Flag – a flag which symbolizes separation. This iconic symbol represents this thing called WAR (as in Civil War). I don’t know if you heard about it –  this “war” thing  is where two opposing sides try to kill each other with bombs, and guns, and grenades and then the soldiers that participate in it come back from the WAR with things like PTSD and a whole set of physical and psychological problems – which contribute to things like alcoholism, and drug addiction – you know, those WHITE PEOPLE PROBLEMS. It’s not tragic enough that WHITE PEOPLE are ALREADY seriously fucked in the head, but then they have to pass down their alcoholism and drug addiction and PTSD from generation to generation – like this GREAT WHITE MALE deranged lunatic DYLAN ROOF who CLEARLY got some FUCKED up genes from that OH-SO-PURE, WHITE gene pool that these “SONS!!!! of the Confederate Veterans!!!!!!  are so VOCAL about preserving. (“THEIR WHITE HERITAGE !!!!!!”) I just wish these BOOZE GUZZLIN’, RED NECK, GUN TOTIN’, HEE HAW, INBRED, ARIAN- MUTATION-IDIOTS would speak for their DAMN SELVES ONLY and get an education so they can understand that there is NO such thing as WHITE HERITAGE. But all that alcoholism passed down from white idiot to white idiot creates these kinds of brain-dead types. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Black people lynched Black people lynched

Bill is “ALWAYS” “RIGHT”!!!

So this Bill O’Reilly scream-addict says his domestic violence incident is 100% false. Why? Because in the mind of Bill O’Reilly it’s not domestic violence – it’s “You smack that ‘fruitful vine’ BITCH DOWN when she doesn’t OBEY your every command!”  – it’sThe bitch isn’t WORSHIPPING ME?!?!?!? (gasp! horror! horror!)”  God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

, Women, Should, Be, Submissive, And, Other, Google, Autocomplete, Suggestions, Gender and Sexuality, Internet, Social Justice

More Pains in the ASS (literally).

Okay all you future Jerry Sandusky Wanna-Bes….take note! It seems American Football has been the symbol of many forms of criminal abuse lately. Most recently Sayreville, New Jersey WAR Memorial High School football players allegedly got the SURPRISE of their lives when older fellow teammates allegedly shouted something like , “Lights out!” and then seemingly proceeded to rape the younger, smaller players up the ass. (Is this training ground to play for the RAMS? Is this how the RAMS got their name?) Just another day in blue collar hell hole New Jersey for ya’. (Sigh.) AS IF this is the only time something like this has ever happened (yawn). But rest assured, this is a GREAT way to break in the next generation of domestic abusers, wife beaters and child abusers that will play for the NFL down the line. One solution that might remedy this ongoing ill of society is to fly in the Palin family, give them some alcohol, and then let Track and Bristol Palin “knock” these rapist types out. But the Palins are probably too busy ice fishing or something. Oh well. God Bless America. Amen.

Happy birthday: The Palin family was at the birthday party of a family friend, and celebrating the birthday of patriarch Todd, when they started a fight with one of Willow's ex-boyfriends, Connor Cleary


An American football player Stock Photo - Premium Royalty-Free, Code: 653-02002054

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