The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Obesity’

The “Good” The “Bad” The UGLY

Jesus. I mean really. JESUS. Female bodies are ALWAYS the topic of controversy dictated by the perceptions of  what MALES (and some females’)  THINK a female is supposed to be, while males (I know, not ALL but so many) just let it all hang out – sometimes LITERALLY. (What’s that you say? You’re TIRED of hearing about the injustices? The “whining”?) Well GUESS WHAT? I’m EXHAUSTED from the imbalance too. Take this Octomom/Natalie Suleman chick. She’s DONE with the STRIPPING (ooooh. “BAD”, “BAD”, “BAD” thing that STRIPPING). But when she wants to (or any woman for that matter wants to) risk their life going through pregnancy and childbirth you know SUFFER!!!!! (women MUST SUFFER – that’s what you are put here to do women – SUFFER! it’s all “GOOD”!!!!! (awwwww how “beautiful” having your body stretched out to Kingdom Come while the male just kicks back and hits the STRIP CLUB (“BAD”), the porn, sticks his HPV infected dick into any hole that he wants it to go into (Hi Bill Clinton- Hope Hilary’s Pneumonia is getting better). AND THESE STUPID CRO-MAGNON MEN WHO THINK ALL WOMEN ARE JUST DYING TO HAVE THAT WAD OF SEMEN PARKED INTO THEIR UTERUS AND THAT’S ALL  EVERY WOMAN ON PLANET EARTH LIVES FOR (Having BABIES!!!!!) – to those men – please go directly to hell. Thank you.  Then there’s this MATERNITY LEAVE controversy which to me isn’t a controversy – come up with a way for MEN to get pregnant and we will NEVER HAVE to WORRY ABOUT WARS OR TERRORISM EVER AGAIN, as certain males are always the FIRST ones to WHINE about “injustice” and “being taken advantage of” as CHILDLESS women (GASP! GASP! GOD FORBID!!!!!!!!!) are oftentimes perceived by those on both sides of the fence as carefree and my “favorite”…. SELFISH while many of these self-serving breeders USE their offspring as BUFFER/COVER-UPS to alleviate the guilt of their OWN irresponsible past behaviors they embarked upon on a regular basis LIKE DRIVING DRUNK, CRASHING CARS INTO TREES, DEALING DRUGS, WORKING FOR THE WORLD PEDOPHILE ORGANIZATION (aka the ROMAN catholi-ICK church), GOSSIPING etc. etc. etc………but GOD FORBID somebody’s a STRIPPER!!!! OH NO!!!!! (AS IF the strippers put AK-47’s to mens’ heads and FORCED them to go to the strip clubs). Gimme a break. UGLY. UGLY. UGLY. Ugly Americans.***PS to all the SINGLE fathers out there who sacrifice EVERYTHING for your kids -although I never met one of you in my entire life – this doesn’t apply to you. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.pregnancy-health-risks-written-pregnant-tummy-18884806slutshaming2_3imgres

When Semen Dumping Pigs Go All “Feminist”-Kevin Smith is an Asshole.

LOL. Kevin Smith, that cellulite-impacted, pushing 50 years old, emotionally STUNTED, arrogant, ENTITLED, WHITE GUY from the Jersey Shore, used his CELEBRITY STATUS  (oooh calm down all you people who actually BOTHERED to graduate college) to springboard his views towards people on the internet who say mean things about his  average-looking offspring. (I know, I know the Kevin Smith mind, that thinks like a seventh grader, will say to itself, in between scratching the thing between its legs: well I’m a BIG movie director, what the hell did YOU do BITCH?!?). Sigh. See, this is how white guys (500 lb white guys in their 20’s) who insult their “girlfriend(s)” by fucking around on them behind their backs (not MEI wouldn’t be caught DEAD with a piece of shit like Kevin Smith!!! but I know TWO chicks who thought the sun rose and set on his FAT, LAZY, CHAIN-SMOKING ass – and that’s how lard ass, chain smoking misogynist ape Kevin likes ’em – all ass kissing, and coming running when he snaps his fingers in between stuffing his face and chain smoking). He TALKS ABOUT these ladies INSULTINGLY on Howard Stern  (calling them mousy, and other condescending things – I mean a fat, ugly, smelly prick like Kevin Smith is ONE to TALK about OTHER PEOPLES’ looks (LOL)). Then he calls Jenny McCarthy “crazy “. Of course!!! When a female on one of HIS movie sets or whatever seventh-grade- mentality activity he’s working on at the time (What is he on now Clerks #26?), isn’t foaming at the mouth in his presence, why, she must be “crazy”. But then, like every arrogant, entitled, lazy, male prick who thinks he’s God’s gift to the human race, he impregnates some desperate broad (“I wanna have a BABY! Even if it is with a 500 pound gorilla who smells like the Staten Island Expressway!”)…ya’ know the thinking these kind of guys have…squirt, squirt ahhh….must suck for you broad I gotta go on the movie set now and go have my fat ass kissed again and not pay the people who my fat ass profits off of. Yep. Another day in arrogant-white-guy land. And no, I’m not a big “star” (oooh ahhh) in Hollywood!!!!! because I’m not one to participate in such immaturity or the tolerating of body odor just so I can appear “cool” to the people I went to high school with. I treat my experiences on the set of lame Kevin Smith projects like the JOKES they were. Kevin just profits off of it so he can feel IMPORTANT. LOL!!!!!  People like Kevin Smith can’t understand this because they always have something to PROVE and it’s ALWAYS about their dick and their ego. Yeah. A real “champion for anti-cyber-bullies” (EVEN funnier) LOL.LOL. (Anybody who kisses up (SLURP SLURP SUCK SUCK) to Bob and Harvey Weinstein?! GOOD LORD.) LOL!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA. And So It Is. AMEN.Unknown-1.jpeg


Dem Moose Limbs….

Lord give me strength. In typical, ignorant, barely articulate speech, this guy at a New Hampshire (a state known for widespread heroin addiction nowadays) Donald Trump rally, gets up and asks Trump how “we” (gotta love it. “WE” LOL are going to get RID of THEM). See, this us versus them, black versus white, Christian versus Muslim, etc., etc., etc., is the stuff that the Holocaust was made of. It’s called CRO MAGNON brain – and unfortunately, many people are still in the cave man era. I won’t mention any names. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.


Kentucky Fried Thinking

This Kim Davis, a government employee, who has a salary funded by American tax paying citizens does not want to issue a marriage license to a gay couple because it goes against her religious beliefs.  Has she read LUKE 6:37 “Do not judge and you will not be judged..” Is she a vegetarian? If not, she has some SERIOUS explaining to do when it comes to the 10 Commandments. Innocent, living creatures under God being MERCILESSLY SLAUGHTERED to help fuel obesity and line the pockets of irresponsible greed-mongers who care nothing for the environment. That, is the REAL SIN. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-2images-1imgres

Law Suits and “Friends” LOL

Isn’t it funny how you learn about how people REALLY are when it’s too late? I mean, Adam Corolla had to find out the hard way with recent events. Boy, can I feel his pain. People are a trip! Take Paris Petrick for example. She’s the “famous” (lol!) hairstylist of ONE star (according to some bio on the internet. whatever.) and she was STUPID enough to work for MINIMUM WAGE as a casting associate on some horrible Kevin Smith films (you know, the Smith movies where everyone looks really ugly on the screen). This dizzy skank Paris Petrick was my “friend” (ahem) for many years, until it dawned on me (yeah, I’m SLOW, or TOO FORGIVING) the hard way. This “Daddy Issues” “Parasite” Petrick (her bio daddy jetted after knocking up eight other broads across the country and then the “stable” father figure who “raised” her turned out to be a closet homo who died from AIDS) had the unmitigated GALL to post a public photo of me on Facebook that was taken by her perverted, sexual harassing-self back in 1990 when she got myself and some other girls into stripping at some of the seediest clubs low-class New Jersey and Staten Island New York has ever seen. (Yo!) Yeah, we were shoe-ins. When your “friend” Paris Petrick gets on her knees and blows seventy five percent of the sub-phylum underworld club owners and managers (while she’s “married”. Hysterical, right?), yeah, you can get booked any time you want without having to look like Pamela Anderson or perform sexual favors yourself –  because Paris Petrick has already done it for you! (Remember that part where I said she was STUPID). Now, if I wasn’t up for full time public school teaching jobs at the time she posted the risque photo (and she knew I was looking for a full time teaching gig at that juncture) maybe it wouldn’t have wrecked my entire teaching career and caused me to lose tens of thousands of dollars and receive undue stress. But since Paris Petrick is not only a dumb skank that blows seedy New Jersey go go bar owners and sleeps with them while she’s married, she’s also a VINDICTIVE dumb skank that blows seedy New Jersey go go bar owners and sleeps with them while she’s married, and then, after her FIRST husband catches on her to her manipulation (yeah, he was EVEN SLOWER than me!!) Paris Petrick….get ready to laugh even harder now…”marries” (I told you it was going to be funny) ANOTHER guy. But because her Daddy Issues are SO advanced, Paris Petrick has to make certain that Idiot #2 is a good earner AND RELIGIOUSLY conditioned. THIS way, she won’t HAVE to give head or sleep with seedy New Jersey go go bar owners or managers. But there’s one minor caveat and one she really wasn’t planning on. Idiot #2 wanted a MALE HEIR!!!!!!!!!!! And since his “Fruitful Vine”’s vine has been rotted out since it’s so old and scraped out so many times, she CAN’T CONCEIVE and he might (GASP!!!!!!) LEAVE HER !!!!!!!! (This is where the dumb skank Paris Petrick really freaks out. Her Daddy Issues go into overdrive). So, it’s off to IN VITRO LAND she goes! Gotta get those shots!  Gotta get MORE chemicals pumped into her ALREADY CHEMICALLY INDUCED body (not one, but TWO hideous breast augmentations, fake bleached blonde hair since junior high, other forms of gone-bad plastic surgery, etc.) so that she can PRODUCE WHITE MALE OFFSPRING !!!!!!!!!!! (Hear choir of angels !!!!!) Oh Thank you SO much for putting ANOTHER entitled self-absorbed CHEMICALLY induced white male on our planet. Thank you SO, SO much. It’s not like there are any unwanted children wandering around. (If I have ANY knowledge that her offspring is at the mall, the movie theater or the kindergarten any time twenty years from now, I will be SO OUT OF THERE it’s not even funny. Hopefully they’ll have the gun control thing handled by then.) So yeah, Adam Corolla, I feel you brother. My attorneys and I understand your pain more than you know. Hang in there. And so it is. Amen.

PS: Napa Valley is the new South Central Los Angeles. Can’t you tell? (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!)Blessings and more Blessings. Amen.

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