The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Pope Francis’

Let Men Go Through This…..

Seriously. I thought that STUPID POPE’S comments about people without kids being “selfish” was the most TYPICALLY ARROGANT crap coming out of the Vatican (what else is new) – and that they give that guy time and energy – is even more ridiculous. But, it ties in to the whole media blitzkrieg and religious campaign of ONCE AGAIN messing with the female mind. (How many ways can we make 100% certain that women will be as LESS THAN as humanly possible!) No kidding that depression is TWICE as common in women than in men. That latest internet article, “….and looks as though she isn’t even pregnant!” OOOOH! NOT PREGNANT! Don’t wanna look PREGNANT…..but yet YOU BETTER SQUEEZE OUT THOSE BABIES or be (GASP!) “SELFISH!!!!”. (And males just deposit their loads in the hole and go on their merry way….fa la la). Jesus! (He didn’t have kids….so I guess according to the Pope (of the ROMAN! Catholic! Church! then Jesus is “selfish”) And so it is. Amen. pope-francis-funny guide-to-flat-abs-header

Putting the “Ick” in Cathol-ic

So Frankie and the crew (the Catholic Power Bishops) are calling this group of progressive nuns “radical feminists” because they’re leaning toward birth control rights in Catholic run private companies. (ya’ know, birth control, that “evil” stuff that prevents women from having to go through postpartum depression, hemorrhaging, infections, severe weight gain, back ache, vaginal tearing, pelvic girdle pain, fatigue, bleeding, cramping, excruciating labor, risk of death, postpartum paralysis (my own mother was paralyzed from the waste down for six months after I popped out), losing sleep, losing traction in the career, , spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to feed, clothe, and educate the post birth child. (Not to mention hoping that once going through all of that the child doesn’t turn out like Adam Lanza). These same “family values” power Bishops hail from the historically famous system that burned Joan of Arc at the stake, raped and molested countless children across the decades, if not centuries (that’s plural folks), and continues to denounce homosexuality (I think it’s called self-loathing when you’re in denial about who you really are). My, my. How Catholic. “Ick”.

Frankie Goes to Hollywood

The electricity was in the air that night. The excited crowd gathered beneath the well lit, make-shift proscenium arch that served as the backdrop with the red velvet curtain on the balcony. The heavily costumed background crew, with their signature red pointed caps (attempting to simulate birds) gathered around the central figure who was decked out in a flowing white robe with matching dove- colored, miniature skull cap. Camera crews surrounded the VIP* section, rapidly snapping publicity shots and gathering footage for the live feed, as the masses of screaming groupies waved their flags. This was Frankie’s big debut. This was his shot at the big time. Gone were the days of taking the bus. After today, his PayPal account would now be upgraded to the Papal account (Deluxe version), and the red carpet would now be rolled out, with a mini-riot of Pope-a-razzi at his every visit, outing, and screening. Don’t cry for him Argentina, he’ll be alright. And I’ll keep praying too. Blessings. *Very Important Pedophiles

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