The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Enabler’

Who Has LESS Rabid Diseases?

…..Wife of Donald “Grab Em By the Pussy” – Having Unprotected Sex With Countless People – Trump, OR a rabid raccoon? I’m going with the raccoon. First of all, the raccoon doesn’t have to COVER UP all his or her adulterous UNPROTECTED sexual encounters. When “wifey mother” Melanoma (she LOOKS like a cancer) Trump USES the “protect MY “precious” son”  routine …… …..then we can think about all the “protection” (puke) of HER “PRECIOUS” (puke again) son when she was DISMISSING her PIG husband’s sexual assault comments  She puts the SLOW in “Slovenian”. Also, have these ANTI-POLITICALLY-CORRECT-ADVOCATES ever thought about all the STD’s (AIDS, HIV, HPV, etc. etc. etc.) they and their COVER UPS have SPREAD over the LAST FEW DECADES? These rabid PIGS and their semen-dumping receptacle “live in denial” WIVES MAKE PEOPLE SICK.  God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.



“A TOUGH time for HIM………”

……says Donald “grab ’em by the pussy” Trump, about former White House staff secretary Rob Porter. Trumpty Dumpty goes on to say, “…..hopefully he has a GREAT career ahead of him.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m all “broken up” (rolling eyes) about “poor”, “poor”, “poor”, ol’ Rob Porter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Actually, there is one industry that would REALLY love to have Mr. Porter come on board for his “new”, “GREAT!”, “career”. That’s an industry where glamorizing rape, misogyny, and domestic violence, is COMMON. In fact, should one argue against the “boys will be boys”, “it’s just locker talk” ideology, one is just brushed to the side and considered to be “crazy”. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.



Melania Gets A Taste of Her Own Healthcare

Comical. That’s what this entitled, enabling, groupie-turned-old-rich-guy’s-“wife”, truly is. This Melania Trump – the same chick-in-stiletto-heels who defends and excuses her “grab ’em by the pussy” husband is going to take issue with Kathy Griffin’s latest stunt .Isn’t it revoltingly humorous that Mrs. Melania Trump wants to use her 11 year old son as some pawn of victimhood when his father is the target of some dark humor YET has NO PROBLEM exposing her “precious” (I’m rolling my eyes) offspring to his father’s MISOGYNY, RACISM, BULLYING, XENOPHOBIA, ISLAMOPHOBIA, SEXISM and GENERAL STUPIDITY. You – Melania Trump –CHOSE to reproduce with that Donald “grab ’em by the pussy” Trump creature, and now expect to get the “mother of the year” award? You want sympathy and to be viewed as nurturing? LOL!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said – C-O-M-I-C-A-L. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

The Many Roles They Serve

So it’s  International Women’s Day. Woo Hoo! “Grab ’em By The Pussy” Trump is still President with his doting, “I-needed-a-Green-Card”, GROUPIE-immigrant, “semen-dumping-RECEPTACLE-child-birthing OBJECT” standing by his side (she’s oftentimes referred to as his “wife”). You know the “wife” (lol) the one EXCUSING his sexual assault banter, and standing in her 8 inch stiletto heels with her plastic posing smile that is befitting to the kind of person she is as her OVER TWO DECADES OLDER (that’s TWO DECADES – when she was born Trump was already old enough to drink and vote) cum-dumping PIG for a husband (say the following with a Slovenian accent “I love crumpled, old,  GERIATRIC cock – it makes my yeast infected pussy wet”) continues to destroy the country.  Standing on the other side of the Orange Pus that is Donald Trump is the New Jersey Bred-Italian-Catholic-Skank more commonly referred to a Kellyanne CONway, an anti-feminist, pro-rape, sycophant who enables, promotes and excuses rapist agendas so that she can get her crooked jawline in front of the white-hot spotlight of the studio cameras at any given New York Old White Guy network that will have her. (Sigh). This is why we have to have folks like the person who has to, get this….TEACH men HOW to NOT be rapists. Oh yeah! It’s that ETCHED into the collective old white male psyche that the only thing females are good for is 1)sucking dick, 2)scrubbing the toilet and 3)birthing their SON!!!!!!!!!!!! (i.e.. The MANY roles THEY (Whew! Thank God I have a dick and NEVER have to endure childbirth, menstruate every month, work a full time job, juggle child rearing responsibilities, get paid seventy five cents to every dollar a semen dumper makes AND CONTINUALLY DEFEND myself against RAPIST MINDED WHITE MALE FILTH as they defund Planned Parenthood. I’m so happy I think I’ll go stroke my cock and go jerk off to a few 12 year old girls getting raped in the porn flick! -the old white male collective logic) SERVE. And So It Is. God Bless America. Amen.

Kellyanne CONway the CONartist

Jesus Christ. Kellyanne Conway, this PRO-RAPE, New Jersey-Italian- Catholic-sewage that she is, represents not only Trump, but anyone and anything that excuses every perverted, rapist, creep that crawls around. She’s brainwashed by the old white guy regime and she looks worse than any meth head. When her daughter comes home from school and says, “Mom some boy GRABBED ME BY MY PUSSY today at school” what does this New Jersey-Italian-Catholic-sewage say? “Yeah, that old perverted white guy who throws me a few dollars to run my mouth grabs mine too. And everybody else’s.” With all the money that she and her fat, ugly, defender of the tobacco industry husband make, could she at least do something with that straw on her head? Is she going to the PTA meeting to be nominated for “mother of the year?” Wow. This is what happens when New Jersey-Italian-Catholic-trash wastes valuable time and money on a law degree. All that brainwashing with no brain to clean. Waste. Sewage. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.conwayinsults-660x330-1gty-ap-donald-trump-kellyanne-conway-split-jt-161112_31x13_1600images-5

Tri-State Area Trash & Trump (Ha!)

Grateful for the tragically hysterical comedy that comes from the minds (and groin areas) of the ever so “evolved” great white males from the tri-state area. (Praise God and the Heavens above I got the HELL out of that New York/New Jersey shit hole). Yep. Trump dropped the “P” word like SO many of the alcoholic, low-class, enabled, babied, entitled, ROMAN CATHOLIC influenced white males and JUST LIKE the rapist-minded alcoholic MCA recording artists managed by Rush Management at the time who, with the help of DJ Gabe (last name – something Italian! The rules don’t apply to me! I’m Italian-American!) BROADCASTED their rapings-in-song (the singer actually rapes teenaged girls (and most likely boys…. in REAL life) over the tri-state area airwaves via ROMAN CATHOLIC University SETON HALL’s WSOU  back in the 80’s and 90’s, they (the white male rapist-minded) CONTINUE to hide behind the “family values – I’m such a GREAT dad and husband” BULLSHIT facade as their enabling doormat wives (“I’m a good wifey and mother! My husband threw some metal on my finger and parked his load in my twat! I am SO lucky!!! Those sluts DESERVED to get raped! They were wearing skirts!”) STAND BY THEIR MAN!!! (because co-dependent breeders can’t do anything on their own…Melania, Hilary, etc….all these “good wifey/mother” enablers all BLEND to me.) The ROMAN CATHOLIC EDUCATED K-12 alcoholic enablers are THE WORST. They will defend and protect these semen dumping rapist-minded pigs at EVERY chance. It’s just the way they were raised. ZERO self-esteem. (“I’m only here to BREED and CLEAN THE HOUSE! With a piece of metal on my finger! Lucky me!”) LOL!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!! (And then some of these idiots get divorced. Yeah. Big “surprise”.) Like I said, Praise GOD and the Heavens above I got the hell out of that New York/New Jersey area hell hole and got rid of all the human TRASH that came with it. LOL!!!! God Bless America. And So It Is.



He’s NO Jackie O

If Hilary Clinton becomes the first female US President does this mean that Hill Billy Clinton (that sex addicted pig she calls her husband) will be called the First Man? (Ya’ know, like they’ve called all the presidents’ spouses the First Lady…..Michelle O, Jackie Kennedy/Onasis, Ladybird Johnson etc.) UGH. That is DISGUSTING. He has NO CLASS whatsoever. When Hilary Clinton gets up and runs her mouth about women’s issues and family values it is FAKE CITY TO THE MAXIMUM – she is the ENABLER-IN-DENIAL-QUEENimages-1. Jesus HELP US. This is all just TOO PATHETIC. God bless America. And so it is. Amen.








Ho Hum….Another One

So this Jared Fogle just got busted for raping minors over the past few years (plural) with the help and assistance of being fed more pervert fodder (some that was produced by hidden cameras in clock radios. how “lovely”) by the creep who was running his charity which was designed to “help” children. Isn’t it amazing how some misogynist perverts get caught while others just like them coast and go on to make movies with famous Hollywood directors?  Keep in mind, all this went down in good ol’ NEW YORK CITY!!!! (not Mexico, not Afghanistan, not Kenya) and this Jared creep is married with children. And so it is. God Bless America. Amen.

Jared Fogle: Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle leaves the Federal Courthouse in Indianapolis, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 following a hearing on child-pornography charges. Fogle agreed to plead guilty to allegations that he paid for sex acts with minors and received child pornography in a case that destroyed his career at the sandwich-shop chain and could send him to prison for more than a decade.

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Trump & Dem Boyz From New Yawk

Oh Praise Jesus in Heaven that I got the HELL out of that Mafia-Infested-Drug-Addled-Misogynist-Shit-Hole also known as the New York/New Jersey Tri State Area. (Glory to God. Alleluiah!) That MYOPIC old-white-guy thinking that Mr. Trump DISPLAYS so VIVIDLY, is a TESTAMENT to the DISDAIN I have for that neck of the woods (and the misogynist ape mentality, and that “protect the great white male” enabler mentality that comes from it).  Trump talks about Hispanic rapists? Mr. Trump – it’s time to take a good, long, INVESTIGATIVE look at certain American Born White Men who drug and rape teenaged girls, sing songs about raping teenaged girls, and then make movies with ZERO accountability  (for rape) from the  help of all their ENABLERS, FAMILY MEMBERS, RAPE ENDORSERS and other funder/helpers who work at DISNEY, other domestic companies and MAYBE even the NYPD (LOL!!!!!!).  That’s right Mr. Trump. White, American, Misogynist MEN FROM NEW  YORK (Your very own HOME town!) who RAPE teenaged girls and NEVER go to jail (With their DOOR MAT enabler-leaning-post significant others standing by their side- Awwww. How “family values”). Hope any person around the rapist-pedophile-drug addicted-misogynist creeps mentioned in this (not Donald Trump) have a body camera and all their disease-immunization shots because the people listed in this post have diseases swimming around in their blood that medical science has not even come up with the names for yet. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen. 5 Presidential Traits That Donald Trump Is Missing Phil Allocco Picture Two suspected mob bosses kiss each other in a show of loyalty. The image comes from surveillance footage from the operation released by Italian police

19 Rapists and Counting……..

You just gotta “LOVE” inbred, “family values”, breeder types. Goodness, goodness. THANK GOD they are WHITE because if they were black, urban-raised, single-parent, or openly gay, they would actually have to be held accountable to FEDERAL LAWS.  But Josh Duggar (the GREAT WHITE MALE that he is)  and his supportive, enabling, inbred family (and those who think and act exactly like them) ALWAYS seem to escape the rules that are made for everyone else (“Rape? No. I was just havin’ fun! Pregnancy is the bitch’s problem.”) Breed on Jessa Duggar. Breed on! And so it is. God Bless America. Amen. Jessa Duggar Confirms She Was Molested by Brother Josh: ‘I Was One of the Victims’ Family Values


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