The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Archive for February, 2018

Dana Loesch’s Husband Never Jerked Off to Porn

Glorified, glamorized, dropped-out-of-college-to-have-a-baby, conservative, Christian-raised, NRA (National RIFLE!!!!! Association) advocate Dana Loesch wants everybody to think her husband (whoever he is – nobody cares) NEVER EVER EVER jerked off to porn or watched young girls get raped on a screen (aka PORN) while his dick got hard. That’s right! “Family Values!”(aka “keep ’em barefoot and pregnant because we just dump semen in a hole and hit the strip club and go to shooting practice” Donald “Grab ’em by the Pussy” is the president y’all) Missouri -schooled, my-kid-will-never-end-up-a-school-shooter-or-get-shot-at-school, mother Dana Loesch SUPPORTS and ADVOCATES for the NRA. (Say “YEEEEE HAAA!!!!!) Well HOW ELSE IS AN UNEDUCATED BREEDER GOING TO GET ON TV AND BECOME A BRAND (Kellyanne CONway did!!!!) ?!?!?!? DUH! God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

Ego-Driven-Cro-Magnons IN POWER

Hey everybody! It’s OFFICIAL! Marco Rubio could CARE LESS about ANYBODY BUT HIMSELF. Think of all the time and energy it takes for him trying to  COVER UP that LEVEL OF STUPIDITY on a regular basis. It’s almost as disgusting as all the time and energy it takes for that TRUMP creature to cover up all his affairs and degradation of females. 

Prayers to all the victims and families of the latest shooting of the daily, weekly, and monthly shootings that occur thanks to the ego-driven-cro-magnons that are in power. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

“A TOUGH time for HIM………”

……says Donald “grab ’em by the pussy” Trump, about former White House staff secretary Rob Porter. Trumpty Dumpty goes on to say, “…..hopefully he has a GREAT career ahead of him.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m all “broken up” (rolling eyes) about “poor”, “poor”, “poor”, ol’ Rob Porter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Actually, there is one industry that would REALLY love to have Mr. Porter come on board for his “new”, “GREAT!”, “career”. That’s an industry where glamorizing rape, misogyny, and domestic violence, is COMMON. In fact, should one argue against the “boys will be boys”, “it’s just locker talk” ideology, one is just brushed to the side and considered to be “crazy”. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.



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