The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Cocaine’

The OTHER Terrorism.

First off…PRAYERS TO PARIS. Seriously. But there’s another kind of terrorism that plagues the planet – these ENTITLED, STUPID, ARROGANT, POMPOUS, SEX-ADDICTED, ALCOHOLIC, DRUG ADDICTED, MISOGYNISTIC, AMERICAN MALES who REALLY believe that they are invincible and that nobody will ever get pregnant by them or will ever get a disease by them (even though they fuck 2000 hookers a day with no protection, get dick up the ass every other week, and shoot all kinds of drugs into their systems for the past 30 years and lie about their shitty sexual and alcoholic behavior over and over again and EXPECT everyone to believe their delusions). Now this Charlie Sheen loser is all in the media because he has HIV (Gasp! No! Really?!?!?) I mean, COME ON! Does anybody think he’s the ONLY drug-addicted, semen dumping, lying, pompous, STD infected loser whorring around in the entertainment business?!?! Does anybody think he’s the ONLY drug-addicted, semen dumping, lying, pompous, STD infected loser whorring around in ANY business?!?! These middle aged LOSERS all think that it’s still seventh grade and they can get away with WHATEVER with NO consequences, and all they have to do is lie, and some stupid, co-dependent, desperate idiot will be by their side no matter what. This Sheen creep actually thinks that he’s never infected anybody. Right. People wake the fuck up! Charlie Sheen is like EVERY pompous, sex-addicted, alcoholic, middle aged loser who still thinks the party is going on (while they play the “family man” role and lie their old, wrinkled faces off. Gimme a break.) God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.images-11images-12images-13

White Male Ivory Tower & Eggshell Thin Ego

While millions upon millions of hard-working Americans who have busted their asses to obtain a college education are buried in student loan debt and default, can’t buy homes, can’t start families, can barely afford the basics, OLD RICH WHITE GUY CELEBRITIES who have millions of dollars to throw around are suing non-celebrities because they were called a name. This OVER 65 YEAR OLD James Woods parades around his 20 year old busted for drugs girlfriend and then SUES because he was referred to as a “cocaine addict” via Twitter. Gotta love it. I’m telling you, these sperm dumping ego driven old white guys with too much money would probably commit suicide at 15 years old if they were female being called EVERY name in the book (“slut”, “whore”, “bitch”) via SEVERAL forms of media (RADIO, TV, MOVIES) and then again in person simply walking down the street by 90% of the never-held-accountable males BEHIND the name calling. How WEAK, PATHETIC, and HYPOCRITICAL does an old white guy have to be? Hey Mexicans and Breast Feeding Women.….Let’s SUE Donald Trump now! SMDH. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.


The actor filed a defamation lawsuit against an individual who replied to Woods' tweets about Barack Obama and Caitlyn Jenner.

Stuck in Adolescence Forever

Oh Boo Hoo…… Emotionally trapped-in-the-1980’s, Guns-N-Roses guitarist Slash and his soon-to-be ex-wife are getting a divorce. Could her boobs look any more ridiculous? Proportion distortion is her calling card (I guess)….that’s what keeps males who are trapped in infancy and the seventh grade mind set interested (“duh!!! BIG BOOBS! Can’t wait to blow a load!”)…even if the males ARE WELL OVER AGE 45.  And to top it off, while kids are starving in Syria, these high school drop out, alcoholic morons, “boobs are my LIFE!” types REPRODUCED (nice! more fuck-ups coming down the pike in the next 20 years!)….and….have millions to fight over. Yippie! God Bless America. Amen.



Higher Than Ork

Today’s writing is no comedy-let me be clear – it’s from the bottom of my heart and soul. It’s a horrible feeling when you get the news that someone you admired and resonated with died, but it’s even worse when you find out they committed suicide.  What makes it even more awful is when that person SEEMED to be so full of life, so wise, and  so caring. So when Robin Williams killed himself, it was like a piece of our  child-like happiness died too.  In the past two days I’ve read and heard many ignorant and blatantly callous comments in regards to HOW he died. Idiotic comments like, “He’s in Hell now” and “He was selfish for doing that” and my all time “favorite”…….”He had EVERYTHING going for him“.  Clearly, he DID NOT have EVERYTHING going for him, because when you DON’T HAVE YOUR HEALTH (this INCLUDES your MENTAL health) nothing else really matters. SEVERE CLINICAL DEPRESSION is a REAL, BONA-FIDE DISEASE but unlike cancer, diabetes, or epilepsy it is targeted for ridicule. For some reason, our society (or I should say CERTAIN people in our society) find it within themselves to BLAME the sick, depressed person instead of realizing that like any other malady, the person who suffers from the depression is at the disease’s whim. I also find it entirely LAUGHABLE that we live in a society where drugs and alcohol (a MAJOR DEPRESSANT) are GLORIFIED, ACCEPTED, ADVERTISED CONSTANTLY, WOVEN INTO THE FABRIC OF OUR SOCIAL NORMS, CONSIDERED “cool” (there’s something “wrong” with you IF you DON’T partake), CAUSING COUNTLESS PHYSICAL PROBLEMS OVER PERIODS OF TIME, yet, when somebody commits suicide because the LONG TERM EFFECTS OF DRUGS/ALCOHOL have ERODED their brain’s ability to balance itself out naturally (thus CONTRIBUTING to their possible pre-disposition towards depression), certain people are SO quick to judge. To those JUDGMENTAL, ARROGANT morons, I say this: “Hey GENIUS JUDGMENTAL ARROGANT IDIOTS – the next time you go hang out at the BAR with your “cool” friends, or drink your liquid DEPRESSANT at home, know this- – it’s only by the grace of God that YOU’RE not ending up with a shotgun to your head or a rope around your neck because ALCOHOL ( a MAJOR DEPRESSant) MESSES UP your brain chemistry NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE. So all you bar owners (“I’m SO great! I OWN a bar! I help mess up people’s brain chemistry!”) , bar flies (“Hey! “We’re hanging out at the BAR! Again!”), “cool”  “only-thing-you-ever-did-was-drink-alcohol-your-way-through-high school/college” alcohol worshippers who “don’t” (laughter) have a problem, (“Yo Dude we’re gettin’ shit faced tonight bro!”), in other words, all you PRO alcohol-friendly types who have STUPID THINGS to say about people who committed suicide because of depression – IT  ( meaning SUICIDE) COULD HAPPEN TO YOU ANY SECOND – and when and if it does? You WON’T be getting the same kind of love that Robin Williams got after his passing. REST ASSURED! So SHUT THE FUCK UP (*sometimes you speak the language that they understand!) and stop running your ignorant, arrogant, alcoholic mouths!!!!”  And so it is. Amen.

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