The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Ariel Castro’

Why? She asks…..

Barbara Bowman  asks “WHY?” her complaints of revered comic Bill Cosby’s alleged rape fell on deaf ears.  (Sigh.) Let me give an illustration. Let’s say it’s 1862 down South, and old man white guy is commanding orders. Old man white guy says to his wife (imagine deep Southern drawl): “Woman…tell them there N*****rs that they best get on out there and tend to the crops.” His wife humbly obliges thinking nothing of it. Then January 1 1863 comes along and legislation is passed that frees black people. Now, “slavery” is no longer a viable economic tool for the white MAN according to the law. What was once, “N****rs” “tending to the crops” is now illegal and immoral. Now let’s take it back to the good ol’ 80’s (BEFORE Sinead O’Conner ripped up the photo of the Pope on SNL – Sinead got in such trouble for that – and now today, POST priest rape scandal, intelligent people UNDERSTAND WHY she did it, BEFORE Jerry Sandusky, Ariel Castro, Mamma June’s Creep Pedophile Significant Other, etc.) before ALL of that, when an entitled, sperm dumping, irresponsible, loser decided he was going to “have a little fun” (ie. sticking his penis in WHATEVER hole HE deemed “fun”) HE had ZERO consequences (ie. never gets pregnant a day in his sperm dumping life, is glorified for “getting” the girl, ‘boys will be boys’, etc.) so the rape victim is thrown under the bus, not taken seriously, and often times called “slut”, “psycho”, “gold digger” etc. so that the rapist NEVER has to be held accountable for his actions EVER. And when you throw some money and power towards the rapist, that’s when things get even more serious. (BTW…it wasn’t called “rape” it was called “what was she wearing and why was she there that slut”) It’s called SYSTEMIC MISOGYNY and it sucks.  To Ms. Bowman, I say this…Prostate Cancer is on the rise (smile) and these creepy rapists will get a nice dose of karma in ways that our human brains can’t even imagine. And THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to Hannibal Buress And so it is. Amen.

Slut Shaming

Cultural Support and Minimizing Abuse

Ariel Castro got officially sentenced today. Thanks to Judge Russo and all of the legal professionals who brought this atrocity against three young girls, their families, their friends, and an entire community to a legal close. But let’s not kid ourselves. Ariel Castro is an extreme case of one of the major ills of society – violence and rape against women and children. And the ENTITLEMENT mentality that these victims DESERVED, ASKED FOR, and/or ENJOYED their abuses, is just BEYOND WORDS and beyond being a human being as far as I’m  concerned (it’s a downgrade to a FUNGUS).  A few days ago I read some posting on Facebook from some under 35 white guy who made the flippant comment, “Porn is just acting”. Sure it’s “just” acting when you’re not the girl getting raped on camera repeatedly so that some LOSER who HATES WOMEN BUT CAN”T EVEN GET TO A POINT WHERE HE CAN EVEN ADMIT IT can satisfy HIS sexual needs. The problem with the “oh it’s JUST porn” attitude, is that it’s NOT “JUST” porn. There are SERIOUS, LONG TERM ramifications to it, for both the actors AND the end users. It DE-SENSITIZES people. It has created a society of DESENSITIZED people, a DESENSITIZED culture. It commodifies human beings. Anyone can justify. Anyone can make excuses.  But cause and effect is impersonal. There’s no moral stance from my perspective. In fact, looking purely at numbers, the porn industry makes financial sense from the business point of view. But from the emotional, physical, social, and spiritual point of view there’s no denying that there are consequences. And to say that porn doesn’t have a male domination over female submission aspect to it is just plain LYING. GET REAL. I’m not just saying this because I know former adult entertainers personally. You don’t need a Phd from Harvard to figure it out. And the folks I’ve acquainted myself with who have porn addictions? They’re NOT balanced, care-free folk that the masses are flocking to. Seriously.  In fact, not ONE person is going near them. (YUCK). The difference between Ariel Castro and every other misogynist loser (whether it be a songwriter/singer singing about RAPING 14 year old girls, a politician who uses females to satisfy his own ego driven appetite, a pornographer “just looking to make some money” or any other crud that justifies their dominance over another who is it a lesser advantage than they) is that Castro took his sick fantasies into reality a hundred fold. Instead of getting TREATMENT that he OBVIOUSLY DESPERATELY NEEDED, he CHOSE to ignore his problem, thus creating a world of LIVING HELL for those involved and those in his community. Don’t think Mr. Castro is alone. Our sick, twisted, American culture HELPS him and THOSE LIKE HIM. The enablers choose to turn the other cheek, and if I hear, “oh boys will be boys – that’s just the way men are” or “I’m a GUY I can’t help it” one more time, there’s a high probability that I may verbally assault the unfortunate moron who might utter those idiotic phrases. Enough is enough. Lame excuses don’t work. If you need mental health treatment, if you need a support group, if you need to FIX yourself, get help now. (You went online for your damn porn addiction…now go online and find sex addiction treatment to FIX it. Stop being a LAZY dumb-ass who thinks the world owes you something). If you don’t get treatment, it will only get worse and you may end up as FAT and UGLY and REPULSIVE as Ariel Castro and then NOBODY will want your fat, smelly, disgusting self. The same goes for the chicks that suffer from this crap. That’s all for now. Start Prayin’. Peace and Blessings. And so it is. Amen.

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