The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Ted Nugent’

White Heritage? Please Speak For Your Damn Self.

Today a black woman crawled up a flag pole down South to take down the Confederate Flag – a flag which symbolizes separation. This iconic symbol represents this thing called WAR (as in Civil War). I don’t know if you heard about it –  this “war” thing  is where two opposing sides try to kill each other with bombs, and guns, and grenades and then the soldiers that participate in it come back from the WAR with things like PTSD and a whole set of physical and psychological problems – which contribute to things like alcoholism, and drug addiction – you know, those WHITE PEOPLE PROBLEMS. It’s not tragic enough that WHITE PEOPLE are ALREADY seriously fucked in the head, but then they have to pass down their alcoholism and drug addiction and PTSD from generation to generation – like this GREAT WHITE MALE deranged lunatic DYLAN ROOF who CLEARLY got some FUCKED up genes from that OH-SO-PURE, WHITE gene pool that these “SONS!!!! of the Confederate Veterans!!!!!!  are so VOCAL about preserving. (“THEIR WHITE HERITAGE !!!!!!”) I just wish these BOOZE GUZZLIN’, RED NECK, GUN TOTIN’, HEE HAW, INBRED, ARIAN- MUTATION-IDIOTS would speak for their DAMN SELVES ONLY and get an education so they can understand that there is NO such thing as WHITE HERITAGE. But all that alcoholism passed down from white idiot to white idiot creates these kinds of brain-dead types. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Black people lynched Black people lynched

Hey Man 1976 is Over..Deal With It.

So famed, has-been rocker Ted Nugent (“Ped” Nugentremember he likes bangin’ those underaged teen girls and singing pro-rape songs about it “Cat Scratch Fever” – pedophile that he his) is on a new campaign proclaiming that Obama is the reason veterans are committing suicide. This folks, is the BEST COMEDY I’ve read in quite some time. I thought Michelle Bachmann comparing Obama to suicide/homicide pilot Lubitz was hysterical, but Ped – you take the cake. The good news? While Ped is running his mouth and taking time to say stupid things, masses of 15 year old girls can walk the streets in safety for at least 5 minutes and helpless animals will be able to retreat into the deep woods of Michigan without worrying about being blasted to smithereens by this gun-toting moron (at least until he gets done running his mouth, deluding himself into thinking anyone with two brain cells would take his ridiculousness seriously.) These dinosaur white guys are a trip. God help us. And so it is. Amen.   Cat Scratch Fever  

Happy Deer by SherrTeel

Subhuman Mongrel And His Apology

When subhuman mongrel Ted Nugent apologized today to President Obama, I got the same feeling I always get when I see or hear Mr. Nugent, and that is EMBARRASSED AS HELL TO BE AMERICAN. (To those in other nations, please know, NOT ALL AMERICANS THINK, ACT, OR LOOK (THANK GOD!!!!) LIKE MR. NUGENT).  In his half-assed apology, where Nugent calls Obama a liar and a violator of the Constitution, and makes some reference to terrorism, my embarrassment of being American was further intensified. As a known rapist, Mr. Nugent, who has BRAGGED about his sex addiction with underage girls, has not only VIOLATED laws and GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT, but has DESTROYED his OWN ARGUMENT against BANNING A FEMALE’S RIGHT TO CHOOSE by siding with sexist GOVERNOR RICK PERRY who goes out of his way to de-fund Planned Parenthood and make getting a legal abortion more and more difficult. (Must be NICE to be able to dump your sperm in the hole and then BOLT – never having to worry of the consequences thereafter GOOD OL’ BOYS! YEEE HA! CAT SCRATCH FEVER!!!) And speaking of terrorism…..check out the covers of  some of Nugent’s albums.  Nugent also discusses the need to “elevate” his vernacular when working with professional politicians. Well, I’ve elevated my vernacular by calling Ted Nugent what he is…a SUBHUMAN MONGREL. God Bless America. Amen.

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