The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Roman Catholic Church’

Career Over By Playing THE VICTIM in Real Life

Jimmy Bennett is a manipulator. Not only is he a a manipulator, he is also a very stupid, greedy one. Asking for 3.5 million dollars after having sex with someone who shouldn’t have been having sex with him  is showing how greedy he really is.

Was he penetrated? Did he get pregnant? No? Well then guess what. He got PAID for having his dick sucked by someone who should not have been sucking it. He had sex and got PAID $350,000.000 for having sex. He was not penetrated. He did not get pregnant. 

These VICTIMS (REAL VICTIMS) of the Roman Catholic Church WERE penetrated and some WERE impregnated in MANY regions of the world and DID NOT ASK FOR and DID NOT RECEIVE 3.5 million or $350,000 bucks. So little SPOILED GREEDY BRAT Jimmy Bennett; save your money wisely because your career is over and you’ll now be known as a money-obsessed manipulator for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. And So It Is. Amen.

The Many Roles They Serve

So it’s  International Women’s Day. Woo Hoo! “Grab ’em By The Pussy” Trump is still President with his doting, “I-needed-a-Green-Card”, GROUPIE-immigrant, “semen-dumping-RECEPTACLE-child-birthing OBJECT” standing by his side (she’s oftentimes referred to as his “wife”). You know the “wife” (lol) the one EXCUSING his sexual assault banter, and standing in her 8 inch stiletto heels with her plastic posing smile that is befitting to the kind of person she is as her OVER TWO DECADES OLDER (that’s TWO DECADES – when she was born Trump was already old enough to drink and vote) cum-dumping PIG for a husband (say the following with a Slovenian accent “I love crumpled, old,  GERIATRIC cock – it makes my yeast infected pussy wet”) continues to destroy the country.  Standing on the other side of the Orange Pus that is Donald Trump is the New Jersey Bred-Italian-Catholic-Skank more commonly referred to a Kellyanne CONway, an anti-feminist, pro-rape, sycophant who enables, promotes and excuses rapist agendas so that she can get her crooked jawline in front of the white-hot spotlight of the studio cameras at any given New York Old White Guy network that will have her. (Sigh). This is why we have to have folks like the person who has to, get this….TEACH men HOW to NOT be rapists. Oh yeah! It’s that ETCHED into the collective old white male psyche that the only thing females are good for is 1)sucking dick, 2)scrubbing the toilet and 3)birthing their SON!!!!!!!!!!!! (i.e.. The MANY roles THEY (Whew! Thank God I have a dick and NEVER have to endure childbirth, menstruate every month, work a full time job, juggle child rearing responsibilities, get paid seventy five cents to every dollar a semen dumper makes AND CONTINUALLY DEFEND myself against RAPIST MINDED WHITE MALE FILTH as they defund Planned Parenthood. I’m so happy I think I’ll go stroke my cock and go jerk off to a few 12 year old girls getting raped in the porn flick! -the old white male collective logic) SERVE. And So It Is. God Bless America. Amen.

Kellyanne CONway the CONartist

Jesus Christ. Kellyanne Conway, this PRO-RAPE, New Jersey-Italian- Catholic-sewage that she is, represents not only Trump, but anyone and anything that excuses every perverted, rapist, creep that crawls around. She’s brainwashed by the old white guy regime and she looks worse than any meth head. When her daughter comes home from school and says, “Mom some boy GRABBED ME BY MY PUSSY today at school” what does this New Jersey-Italian-Catholic-sewage say? “Yeah, that old perverted white guy who throws me a few dollars to run my mouth grabs mine too. And everybody else’s.” With all the money that she and her fat, ugly, defender of the tobacco industry husband make, could she at least do something with that straw on her head? Is she going to the PTA meeting to be nominated for “mother of the year?” Wow. This is what happens when New Jersey-Italian-Catholic-trash wastes valuable time and money on a law degree. All that brainwashing with no brain to clean. Waste. Sewage. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.conwayinsults-660x330-1gty-ap-donald-trump-kellyanne-conway-split-jt-161112_31x13_1600images-5

Some Breeders Kill Me With Their Self Importance

So. You want to have kids! Yeah! I mean the earth would be deficient if YOUR “PHENOMENAL” GENES weren’t replicated, right? There’s a little more to it than just dumping the semen into the hole, and tossing a ball a few times a month (that’s if you’re the stick-around type of guardian) but SOMETIMES it takes the “we’re SO GREAT we MUST, MUST, MUST BREED” types a few YEARS to fully understand that their “precious offspring/power-struggle PAWN” is actually going to be HIS OR HER OWN PERSON, INDEPENDENT OF the SELF-IMPORTANT, delusional, NARCISSISTIC mammals that brought him or her into this very existence called human life. Uh huh. Enter (drum roll please) CELEBRITY BREEDERS. Oh Yeeeeeaaaaaaah! This international superstar celebrity MADONNA!!! and her international celebrity movie director ex GUY RITCHIE!!!!! (applause! applause! applause!) are feuding over their celebrity offspring and they and the attorneys are saying that it is best to keep him as much out of the spotlight as possible…”  Uhh…’s a LITTLE late for that INTERNATIONAL- SPOTLIGHT-SELF-IMPORTANT- CELEBRITY -BREEDER PARENTS. (What are these people thinking when they have kids? Oh. The usual imagesimages-2images-1THEMSELVES!!!!!!!) God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

Let Men Go Through This…..

Seriously. I thought that STUPID POPE’S comments about people without kids being “selfish” was the most TYPICALLY ARROGANT crap coming out of the Vatican (what else is new) – and that they give that guy time and energy – is even more ridiculous. But, it ties in to the whole media blitzkrieg and religious campaign of ONCE AGAIN messing with the female mind. (How many ways can we make 100% certain that women will be as LESS THAN as humanly possible!) No kidding that depression is TWICE as common in women than in men. That latest internet article, “….and looks as though she isn’t even pregnant!” OOOOH! NOT PREGNANT! Don’t wanna look PREGNANT…..but yet YOU BETTER SQUEEZE OUT THOSE BABIES or be (GASP!) “SELFISH!!!!”. (And males just deposit their loads in the hole and go on their merry way….fa la la). Jesus! (He didn’t have kids….so I guess according to the Pope (of the ROMAN! Catholic! Church! then Jesus is “selfish”) And so it is. Amen. pope-francis-funny guide-to-flat-abs-header

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