The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Pro Life Misogyny’

And Where Does Unwanted Squirting Semen Land?

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The RNC has this nutcase Abby Johnson …..

….try to guilt females about abortions and guilt Planned Parenthood. She herself has had two abortions. She’s representing Donald “grab em by the pussy” Trump who believes that sexual assault and rape are recreational activities. Abby : MALES NEVER GET PREGNANT.  

This latest Trump sycophant Abby Johnson is beyond pathetic. God Bless America. And So It Is.

Dana Loesch’s Husband Never Jerked Off to Porn

Glorified, glamorized, dropped-out-of-college-to-have-a-baby, conservative, Christian-raised, NRA (National RIFLE!!!!! Association) advocate Dana Loesch wants everybody to think her husband (whoever he is – nobody cares) NEVER EVER EVER jerked off to porn or watched young girls get raped on a screen (aka PORN) while his dick got hard. That’s right! “Family Values!”(aka “keep ’em barefoot and pregnant because we just dump semen in a hole and hit the strip club and go to shooting practice” Donald “Grab ’em by the Pussy” is the president y’all) Missouri -schooled, my-kid-will-never-end-up-a-school-shooter-or-get-shot-at-school, mother Dana Loesch SUPPORTS and ADVOCATES for the NRA. (Say “YEEEEE HAAA!!!!!) Well HOW ELSE IS AN UNEDUCATED BREEDER GOING TO GET ON TV AND BECOME A BRAND (Kellyanne CONway did!!!!) ?!?!?!? DUH! God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

Tri-State Area Trash & Trump (Ha!)

Grateful for the tragically hysterical comedy that comes from the minds (and groin areas) of the ever so “evolved” great white males from the tri-state area. (Praise God and the Heavens above I got the HELL out of that New York/New Jersey shit hole). Yep. Trump dropped the “P” word like SO many of the alcoholic, low-class, enabled, babied, entitled, ROMAN CATHOLIC influenced white males and JUST LIKE the rapist-minded alcoholic MCA recording artists managed by Rush Management at the time who, with the help of DJ Gabe (last name – something Italian! The rules don’t apply to me! I’m Italian-American!) BROADCASTED their rapings-in-song (the singer actually rapes teenaged girls (and most likely boys…. in REAL life) over the tri-state area airwaves via ROMAN CATHOLIC University SETON HALL’s WSOU  back in the 80’s and 90’s, they (the white male rapist-minded) CONTINUE to hide behind the “family values – I’m such a GREAT dad and husband” BULLSHIT facade as their enabling doormat wives (“I’m a good wifey and mother! My husband threw some metal on my finger and parked his load in my twat! I am SO lucky!!! Those sluts DESERVED to get raped! They were wearing skirts!”) STAND BY THEIR MAN!!! (because co-dependent breeders can’t do anything on their own…Melania, Hilary, etc….all these “good wifey/mother” enablers all BLEND to me.) The ROMAN CATHOLIC EDUCATED K-12 alcoholic enablers are THE WORST. They will defend and protect these semen dumping rapist-minded pigs at EVERY chance. It’s just the way they were raised. ZERO self-esteem. (“I’m only here to BREED and CLEAN THE HOUSE! With a piece of metal on my finger! Lucky me!”) LOL!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!! (And then some of these idiots get divorced. Yeah. Big “surprise”.) Like I said, Praise GOD and the Heavens above I got the hell out of that New York/New Jersey area hell hole and got rid of all the human TRASH that came with it. LOL!!!! God Bless America. And So It Is.



Pro LIFE & Powder Kegs

Not Funny today. ALL these people on TV, in the media, in the news, on the internet coming forward speaking about their experience with yesterday’s SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL, VIOLENT self-named “Powder Keg” from Virginia. Where was everybody when this nut was buying a gun? Where were all these PRO-LIFERS when this nut was unraveling and purchasing firearms? See there’s more to it then dumping sperm into a cavity and going on with YOUR life. There’s MUCH MORE to it. People POST WOMB are in trouble. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

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