The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Archive for November, 2016

Kellyanne CONway the CONartist

Jesus Christ. Kellyanne Conway, this PRO-RAPE, New Jersey-Italian- Catholic-sewage that she is, represents not only Trump, but anyone and anything that excuses every perverted, rapist, creep that crawls around. She’s brainwashed by the old white guy regime and she looks worse than any meth head. When her daughter comes home from school and says, “Mom some boy GRABBED ME BY MY PUSSY today at school” what does this New Jersey-Italian-Catholic-sewage say? “Yeah, that old perverted white guy who throws me a few dollars to run my mouth grabs mine too. And everybody else’s.” With all the money that she and her fat, ugly, defender of the tobacco industry husband make, could she at least do something with that straw on her head? Is she going to the PTA meeting to be nominated for “mother of the year?” Wow. This is what happens when New Jersey-Italian-Catholic-trash wastes valuable time and money on a law degree. All that brainwashing with no brain to clean. Waste. Sewage. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.conwayinsults-660x330-1gty-ap-donald-trump-kellyanne-conway-split-jt-161112_31x13_1600images-5

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