The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Archive for August, 2017

LEAN back.

So this Harrison Garcia  gets 30 Years in prison for essentially doing what “NJ Saint” (ahem.cough, cough) Jon Bon Jovi and his manager did back in the 80’s.

Wow. To be white and male …..

…..and to be so SHELTERED and BABIED in that WHITE, SUBURBAN, New Jersey-Italian-American-Catholic-Sicilian-Mafia-Puppet culture that brainwashes you to believe that only “those” “bad” people are on drugs….and that YOUR offspring  won’t end up like “those” “bad” people. (GASP! Heavens NO!) But that’s what happens when your STAY-AT-HOME-MOTHER-WIFEY, who, LIKE A TRAINED SEAL, SMILES for the camera to make sure everything APPEARS as picture “perfect”, ENABLES, TURNS THE OTHER CHEEK, ENABLES, and then TURNS THE OTHER CHEEK, so that her “family man” (best of luck with the heroin addiction Stephanie), “Soul Kitchen” (ahem.puke.vomit), husband Jon Bon Jovi does whatever MEDIOCRE-talent-rockstars, who, cash in on their magazine-looks and use FAMILY CONNECTIONS to evade criminal punishment do when they’re on the road.

Let’s just hope the Bongiovis (yeah, that’s the originalDSC05296.jpegarticle-2255977-16B8BE45000005DC-142_634x477.jpgUnknown.jpeg spelling) don’t have a lot of rope around their house. God Bless America. And so it is. AMEN.

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