The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Pedophile’

Career Over By Playing THE VICTIM in Real Life

Jimmy Bennett is a manipulator. Not only is he a a manipulator, he is also a very stupid, greedy one. Asking for 3.5 million dollars after having sex with someone who shouldn’t have been having sex with him  is showing how greedy he really is.

Was he penetrated? Did he get pregnant? No? Well then guess what. He got PAID for having his dick sucked by someone who should not have been sucking it. He had sex and got PAID $350,000.000 for having sex. He was not penetrated. He did not get pregnant. 

These VICTIMS (REAL VICTIMS) of the Roman Catholic Church WERE penetrated and some WERE impregnated in MANY regions of the world and DID NOT ASK FOR and DID NOT RECEIVE 3.5 million or $350,000 bucks. So little SPOILED GREEDY BRAT Jimmy Bennett; save your money wisely because your career is over and you’ll now be known as a money-obsessed manipulator for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. And So It Is. Amen.

Trump & Dem Boyz From New Yawk

Oh Praise Jesus in Heaven that I got the HELL out of that Mafia-Infested-Drug-Addled-Misogynist-Shit-Hole also known as the New York/New Jersey Tri State Area. (Glory to God. Alleluiah!) That MYOPIC old-white-guy thinking that Mr. Trump DISPLAYS so VIVIDLY, is a TESTAMENT to the DISDAIN I have for that neck of the woods (and the misogynist ape mentality, and that “protect the great white male” enabler mentality that comes from it).  Trump talks about Hispanic rapists? Mr. Trump – it’s time to take a good, long, INVESTIGATIVE look at certain American Born White Men who drug and rape teenaged girls, sing songs about raping teenaged girls, and then make movies with ZERO accountability  (for rape) from the  help of all their ENABLERS, FAMILY MEMBERS, RAPE ENDORSERS and other funder/helpers who work at DISNEY, other domestic companies and MAYBE even the NYPD (LOL!!!!!!).  That’s right Mr. Trump. White, American, Misogynist MEN FROM NEW  YORK (Your very own HOME town!) who RAPE teenaged girls and NEVER go to jail (With their DOOR MAT enabler-leaning-post significant others standing by their side- Awwww. How “family values”). Hope any person around the rapist-pedophile-drug addicted-misogynist creeps mentioned in this (not Donald Trump) have a body camera and all their disease-immunization shots because the people listed in this post have diseases swimming around in their blood that medical science has not even come up with the names for yet. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen. 5 Presidential Traits That Donald Trump Is Missing Phil Allocco Picture Two suspected mob bosses kiss each other in a show of loyalty. The image comes from surveillance footage from the operation released by Italian police

One Word: GROSS

This broad is twisted. Having sex with a 12 year old when you’re 33? GROSS. And leave it to the media to try to make it look all “happily ever after“. (VOMIT) God Bless America. Amen.

How Money & Power Make Everything “Just” Fine…For Some


(Sigh). It’s always amazing to me how amazed I STILL am that this sick stuff still continues. The power of misogyny, manipulation, patriarchy, and paternalism being upheld, fortified, and glorified by the blinding glitter of the Hollywood illusion. Remember when this Woody Allen creature married his long-term girlfriend’s daughter when he was around 56 years old and she was only 19? Of course, HE saw nothing peculiar about that arrangement, and OF COURSE, they had to ADOPT two more children. He must have LOVED THAT even more. I mean, this buffer/wife of his was like his daughter for most of her life. Healthy-minded people wouldn’t even entertain the idea of crossing that familial boundary, but for creatures like Woody, I guess ANY orifice no matter who it belongs to, as long as it’s younger and more vulnerable than he is, will do. Now, in present day, his OTHER step-daughter Dylan Farrow is saying that he molested her when she was seven. (No. Really?) And of course his camp of defenders, encouragers, and enablers are calling her a liar…and probably “psycho” and “crazy” and all the other trite labels that they put on people who aren’t basking in the glow of star power. And OF COURSE  a guy who married his girlfriend’s daughter who is THIRTY SEVEN YEARS HIS JUNIOR is going to deny those “allegations”. It’s wild how our society feeds the egos of the pedophile-minded. God Bless America.

Woody Allen

Sandusky Still Says “I’m Innocent!”

Shane Verdi

“Whiskey” a song By: John Shane Verdi of the band Law & Order (featuring Phil Allocco and 2 other misogynist losers whose names escape me at the moment although I heard one of them works at Disney (in California) now and has kids of his own………… Of course.)


Got on the road started drivin’ out west

Cause I heard the girls out there were better than the rest


Packed my troubles in the back seat of my car

Came along

This GIRL name Whiskey

She TASTED sweet as honey. Had a heart o’ gold

I didn’t know

She was 14 years old

Her father said, (Hyena-Like Screams) “Can’t take any more! Best bet get your ass outta town for sure. And keep away from my Whiskey”

Got on the open road west of the city

Leaving behind a long trail of gasoline

Far from the New York way

Came along this GIRL named Whiskey

LONG BLONDE HAIR and ripped up dirty jeans

Listen to what I say

Kind of girl I can’t get enough

You know SHE left me wanting more

What SHE gave me that night nearly knocked me to the floor

Out all night. I’m drinkin’ Whiskey

(Horrible talentless cacophony of noise ensues)

Lo and behold she was 14 by day 40 by night

Her mean old daddy

Got my finger in her pussy

Gonna hang me on his wall for sure

Hangin on Friday night

Dancin’ on Dynamite

See you ‘round

Walking on Whiskey

Sweet Whiskey

(More Led Zeppelin rip-off guitar sounds and more cacophony of stupid apes competing for Alpha-Male Domination through talentless Bam-Bam-like noise)

MCA went out of business. Gee. With Tax-Write Off acts like the aforementioned, it’s no wonder.  It’s also no wonder that child molestation, rape, domestic violence, drug addiction and alcoholism continue. Not to mention Closet-Homosexuality (BIG in the industry). People who cavalierly sing about rape (and do it in real life with Westfield, NJ High School Students as did Mr. Verdi who was probably between 25-30 years of age at the time) with teenaged high schoolers  as if it was like changing a flat tire make me wonder (not to mention sick to my stomach). But the misogynists that are listed at the top of this post, as far as I know, are still walking around, looking back on their “good ol’ days” when they went around singing about raping teenagers, with seemingly no consequence. And the enablers let them. (And if these guys were black?). And Jerry Sandusky spends his last days in a prison, a prison surrounded by strapping, young men (A closet-homosexual’s dream. Punishment?). That’s all for now. Peace and Blessings. Amen.

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