The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘White Male Power Structure’

And Where Does Unwanted Squirting Semen Land?

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The RNC has this nutcase Abby Johnson …..

….try to guilt females about abortions and guilt Planned Parenthood. She herself has had two abortions. She’s representing Donald “grab em by the pussy” Trump who believes that sexual assault and rape are recreational activities. Abby : MALES NEVER GET PREGNANT.  

This latest Trump sycophant Abby Johnson is beyond pathetic. God Bless America. And So It Is.

War. Violence. Men. “Power”.

God. When will this crap end? Seeing the footage of Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith- the man killed in Benghazi, go off on Hilary Clinton, spinning Donald Trump (joke) as some hero (joke), made me think: the old white guy NEW YORK misogynist media is once again up to their old tricks. Yeah. I’m talking about the MEN. The MEN who NEVER go through pregnancy, NEVER go through CHILDBIRTH, NEVER have an ounce of empathy for anyone except themselves, their egos and their dicks. The MEN who are continually abusing their power, CAPITALIZING AND PROFITING OFF OF A MOTHER’S PAIN (a PAIN THEY WILL NEVER KNOW) and USING her emotions as FREE content while they stroke their cocks and their egos and make innuendos about having Clinton assassinated.    And then we wonder why Americans are hated around the globe. Think Benghazi was bad? The OLD, NEW YORK WHITE GUY REGIME (PIMPS) will have us bombed in 5 minutes just by Trump opening his STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, RACIST, MISOGYNIST mouth and his old white guy media globally broadcasting his stupidity and 1950’s mentality. Prayers to the world. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.images-6images-5images-7

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