The Church of Tell It Like It Is

Posts tagged ‘Russia’

He’s Diseased, But Thrilled About His Hair

Millionaire Jada Pinkett Smith was recently miffed when raunchy, historically-classless, stand-up comic Chris Rock insulted her while doing his act on live nationally broadcast television this week at the Academy Awards ceremony. Jada Pinkett Smith’s “family man”, millionaire husband, reacted by approaching the comic and then physically assaulting him, in real time, while cameras were rolling. The seasoned actor, Mr. Jada Pinkett Smith, who has been a paid entertainment professional for the past several decades, proceeded to give an acceptance speech for his first Academy Award.

What, pray tell, was the impetus for Mr. Jada Pinkett Smith’s physical attack on the known insult-comedian?

Bruised feelings over hair loss due to an auto-immune medical condition.

Meanwhile, over in Eastern Europe, thousands of innocent victims are losing much more than their hair.

A homeless, drug-addicted, junkie being interviewed on camera for YouTube recently, described his medical conditions. His thick, curly locks, cascaded down his sleep-deprived face as his hernia-ravaged body slumped over. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

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